Rank 13 in phase 5 confirmed?

Are we going to get confirmation that rank 13 is the new max or do we have to grind it out and discover lol

Given that the new rank 13 gear has been data-mined for weeks now, I’d say that’s a safe bet.

Rank 13 i believe, as it would be moronic to only give us half the field marshal/warlord set as half of it is gated to rank 13, and the other at 12

Since the SoD version of the Rank 12-13 gear is datamined, it seems very likely we’ll be going up to Rank 13 next phase.

the data mined r13 is absolutely trash.

You’re better off in .5

They better fix it.

Uh maybe for some classes? The rank 10 set is basically mandatory for warriors unless you’re running sword/board gladiator stance.

Or is this about not being able to parse in PvP gear?

This guy is a moron don’t listen to him. For almost every single class you are even better off in R10 gear right now over .5 and even tier 1 for some squishier specs because stamina is king. He probably builds his characters poorly and then makes dumb threads like “boomies are weak and free kills” because he waddles around in t.5 .

In fact the stat weights heavily even favor this, you have a positive multiplier for all sources of stamina and NEGATIVE multiplier for all bonuses to damage in PvP combat.

This isn’t even a new concept, there is a reason every piece of PvP gear in retail even favors having VERSE baseline instead of higher dps stats like crit , mastery , or haste.

Turns out not dying is bis in PvP.


I don’t think people are actually planning on using it for PvP when they compare .5 to being better.

Yeah I dunno, the Rank 13 gear datamined over on wowhead is loads above 0.5 for PvP and honestly looks like it would probably be better for PvE by a hair’s breadth at the very least as well.

It would be nice to get confirmation if rank 14 is new cap.

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There is a blue post on the PvP caps back in December. No 13 or 14 till AQ release

In this link they state R13 gear changing.
It’s the only thing I’ve ever seen regarding any PvP ranks being unlocked.
I’m assuming, like I did in P4, that it means its unlocking.

The WoW Classic Devs account over on twitter confirmed that the new cap will be Rank 13


Stamina LITERALLY did NOT matter prior to this damage reduction buff you pve bob.

R10 needed TRIPLE the amount of stam to make a dent in Sods outrageous damage. Holy hell how do they allow random people to spew garbage about pvp that dont even pvp in game.

AQ 40 gear beat R13 in OG
Naxx gear absolutely DESTROYS Rank 13 gear in ERA.

These arent opinions you can get on ERA and check the gear and people out right now.

So given that info and the fact that they’re buffing EVERY SINGLE PVE RAID tier every phase but they’re barely touching Rank 13… What do you think is going to happen???

Doesn’t require much brain power to figure this one out guy

Do you have a link by chance please ?



forgot to reply when I posted, link above.

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But the R13 gear we are getting is buffed.

Those versions of the game don’t have base DRs built into PvP

Those versions of the game don’t have base Multipliers on stamina.

Those base versions of the set don’t have as much stamina.

You are a Buffoon.
You think boomkins are bad in PvP and free kills.

I could never take anything after that line, seriously.

There are 2 free kills in SoD.


Which is ironic because that’s nothing like how it worked on era, which you so love to draw comparisons too.


Not buffed even remotely close enough to pve gear.

If the date mined R13 is what were getting they need to quadruple the stam or double the spell power on sets.