Rank 13 in phase 5 confirmed?

Absolute moron.


My PVP accessories completely unbuffed and weapons my max HP in full tier 2 is


In the R13 Set my Base HP with the exact same off pieces is 5773 HP

Thats a 1750 HP delta. Are you HIGH?

Thats a 43% Health Increase not including ANY MULTIPLIERS FROM BUFFS OR THE PVP BUFF…

248 stam in the full t2 set with my T2 set on… same accessories…
423 Stam in the same accessories with the R13 set on


Do you know how differently these sets sim with the absence of all raid buffs that you wont have in pvp against a lvl 60 target with only 5% hit required is?

It’s quite miniscule… and thats before factoring in that the damage delta would be minimized by the increased damage reductions that are active within pvp combat…

It’s not even close.

TBH this response isnt for you, its for anyone wondering if the ranking set is better for pvp, but honestly, I hope most the opps listen to you and get folded up like a lawn chair and make qq threads about how their poorly piss built boomkin is a free kill in SoD

This is basic math, you can just go to the sixtyU or wow sims and see these BASE stats.

AS MUCH as I hate to give these devs credit for anything… especially my 2h variant being a glorified turd auto attack class… the itemization on the pvp sets are actually decent for THIS PHASE.


^Yeah in full tier 1 my warrior has about 4500 health, in the Rank 10 set hes got 6200. With the Rank 13 set + ZG enchants my warrior is gonna be well over 7k, probably around 7.5k or more. All before buffs or PvP HP buff.

But yeah lmao .5 is better!

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Thanks bro

Are you comparing bwl to R13 and trying to make some kind of argument? Do you even play this game?

You compared the buffed R13 gear… to tier .5……

And I quote, wrote this

You must trip up a lot walking around in those :clown_face: shoes…. Stay small, stay mad, and most importantly stay bad.


The current .5 gear will be better for some class/specs than r13 unless it is significantly buffed OR the datamined r13 gear is not the actual rank gear coming out.


By the time we get to AQ it will be dog water bad and not even remotely comparable to the new buffed pve afk gear

Can you name the classes you believe this is true for? I’m interested in comparing the R13 and D2 sets for those classes on the wowhead gear planner.

I know from my own personal preparations and planning ahead of Phase 5 that the datamined SOD versions of R13 gear for Ret Paladin is going to be way better for PvP than D2 gear could be, but I haven’t bothered checking every other class obviously.

The author’s question is not stupid, because in the first message from blizzard and the announcement of the phase they wrote “you will be able to get your r11-12 pvp gear sets”
In the last post they talk about r13 kits. Most likely there was an error in the first message and you need to believe the last words. But they should work on checking the official text before it is published.

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