Rank 10 Grind

My goal was rhe rank 10 helm for fashion
I was doung 2 ranls per week but was able to only smash out 5 -8 maybe 1 rank per week ending up in the top 3-4 brackets to do so.

Now ive slowed to a crawl. The decay is real and competetion strong and determined sobim goibg to try and hold rank for 3 months and do either the absolute minimum or give up.

Unless you are in very gigh brackets (% of players) 8 - 10 might take 5 - 6 weeks.

Id wait 3 months tbh when it dies down.

Yeah that ‘casual’ bracket 3 or 4, huh.

Those guys are pulling 15 hour days where i am now. I managed over the hols before i got bored as I can be with av and queueing…but im done.

Thats to much for me. Ill wait for AQ 40

I will be finishing rank 10 this week along with a handful of others on my realm and it has taken me 10 hours a day for 5 days a week to get there.

There is just a glut of PvP as Alliance you can’t help but find it where ever you go. You will also spend a large amount of time farming AV and despite the Horde crying about 7 minute alliance wins they will try to turtle you and you will see kills in the hundreds.

I have been at it for about 7 weeks rank 8 30% and usually average bracket 5-6. How much time you have to play depends on the premades your in and your honor per hour.

You guys have fun.

I don’t get how people are claiming they will hit rank 10 by only being in bracket 4-5 / farming 100k honor per week. Maybe I’m missing something.

Some people refer to the highest bracket as 1 rather than 14. So when they say bracket 4, they mean people in the top 1.5 to 3.5 % of PvPers on the server.

I started ranking when the BGs came out, so, what, 5 weeks or 6. I get about 350k honor a week give or take 10k. I am sitting at 90% of rank 8 right now and expect to easily click over to rank 9 today. It will take another two weeks to hit 10, 3 weeks worst case.

All that said, I believe if you could accept just getting 15 or 20% of a rank bar each week you could gradually get to rank 10 with far less time/honor each week. It would just take you 5 or 6 months to do it. That would mean averaging maybe 150 to 200k honor a week on my server as Horde. Very manageable commitment - though you must be patient.

The way brackets and RP work, the only way to possibly hit R10 is to be in Bracket 10 (top 4% to 6%) or higher. You don’t have to be that high when you first start ranking, but if you are Rank 9, you will lose more RP than you gain (because of the 20% decay) unless you are in Bracket 10 or higher. If you can only PvP for like 15 hours a week, odds are you will not be able to get into Bracket 10 and will never hit Rank 10 even if you play every single week for years.

I guess it’s all relative.

I was doing 1.3m for Bracket 3 on Stalagg before just about every guild transferred off.

Well, you’re Horde, so maybe it’s different. 15 hours a day gets you bracket 1 anywhere on Alliance, so long as you’re earning honor more efficiently than everyone else.

You wish 8 days new meta is 11days minimum

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It varies by server and a LOT by faction. For me specifically on horde since BG’s came out I have gone from rank 4 to what should be rank 9 today with about 12 hours of AV per day. So like 80 hours a week. Though I do have to take a day off once in a while so it may be closer to 70 hr/week. Been shooting for 1 rank per week more or less.

Don’t bother till you’re 60. Get your 100% mount and join a premade discord, and then just do AV all day. I think 4-6 hours a day should get you rank 10 np. But getting into a premade discord is important. DO NOT PUG!!! You’ll quit after a week. All the “serious” pvp’ers are in premades. In pugs you start half of your games 15v40 while also losing 95% of your games, so you’ll just be wasting your time.

I’ve been consistently hitting bracket 10 on my server aiming for 280,000 honor per week (40k every day). YMMV depending on your server. For me that’s ~5 hours of PvP every day, doing AV mostly in premades.

I’m currently rank 9 and will be rank 10 in two weeks ideally, 3 at most. I didn’t start hitting bracket 10 every week probably until 4 or 5 weeks in. Otherwise, if you’re starting from scratch, it’ll take you about 12 weeks to reach a rank by hitting that bracket every week. You’ll get it quicker if you can hit higher brackets but I don’t have enough time to hit bracket 11+.

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