Rank 10 Grind

Just started the PvP grind this week. Aiming to get to Rank 10 before I quit. Can anybody with experience say how many weeks and hours per week it has taken them to get to 10?

You need to play 27 hours a day, 8 days a week. Godspeed.


I finish mine this week. You’re looking at 72+ hour weeks.

72 hours for How many weeks?

Does it really matter? I mean, good luck, but my word.

Problem is there are 500,000 people trying to all rank at the same time, it really is a horrible mess.

I personally think it is a fools errand.


I think the max ranks you can get is like 2 a week,I could be wrong …so if you hit the max every week at least 5

This isn’t retail with a PvP bar that you need to fill.

It’s less about how much YOU have and it’s more how much you have relative to the rest.


It will vary considerably based on how much you grind week-to-week, and what your server pool looks like. Right about now people are going to be hitting their targets (the hardcore people who wanted rank 11-13 have hit it, and the first few batches of rank 14 will be showing up in 1-2 weeks).

The best way to know is to get honorspy. I can tell you this much:
I started the honor grind on Fairbanks in mid-December. My first 2 weeks I got 150k honor (playing an average of 4h/weekday and 12-16h over the weekend), and over those 2 weeks I just went form rank 2 to rank 4.

Since then I’ve been averaging ~ 220-280k per week (one atypical week of 600k) and this takes me a similar commitment, but required using good premades. Since December 23 I’ve gotten from rank 4 to 7, usually placing in bracket 9-11. I will be hitting rank 8 tomorrow, and it will likely take 2-3 weeks at rank 8 and 9 with similar targets to hit rank 10. It may require an honor push and getting to 350k for 1-2 weeks at the tail end.

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Depends of what server you are on.

As time passes it will get easier. So if you are starting now it will probably be half as tough as right now, or even easier.

Ranks 1-5 should feel like no problem, if they do not then, yeah, you will have to pvp more.

No need to get a rank a week (or 2 a week for these low level ranks) after say, R6, so if you play for 6 months and pvp some every week, you will definitely hit R10 at some point. R10 is not that tough except for right now. In 2 months it will not be bad and in 4 months it will be pretty easy if you like to PvP. It will just happen as you play the game and plus once close you can do a high pvp week and hit r10. Should be no problem.


It really depends on which server you’re on TBH.

If you’re Faerlina i probably wouldn’t even bother if you actually have a job.

If you’re on a smaller server like me, 6-8 hours of AV a day 5 days a week has been keeping me in bracket 10 for the last 3 weeks or so, so far.

I’m very skeptical of that, as time goes on people will stop PvPing or just quit the game altogether and the brackets will shrink.

Basing it on what happened in Vanilla. First char took a bit to get to R13, but 2nd I got R13 simply playing (I did play a lot but I wasn’t ‘trying’, PUGed a ton).

Another question is how long will this system be in place? I bet not all that long.

I see.

Logically as long as Classic will lasts. I assume we’ll know this Blizzcon if they plan to do anything more with Classic (either BC or Classic+). If they just leave it as a “museum piece” it might be around forever.

What will also be interesting to look at is how the meta will shift, as people lose interests AV might become obsolete.

Also, since you have extensive experience with the system, do you think there’s any hope for AB to take over as the best Honor per Hour?

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Rank 10 get you all a pretty girlfriend IRL or something for you to spend weeks just doing that then quit?

Kind of feel sorry for everyone who ran to level 60 then jammed themselves into a fishbowl groundhog day timeloop battleground activity… groundhog day timeloop WQs, instances, and mission tables were why I quit retail…

Edit: Here’s a player who got a pretty girlfriend and quit, but pretty sure he’s not running bgs over and over. Arr!

Then he tried on his girlfriend’s clothes and they got married:

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I realize that. I know it’s heavily relative to how much the other players on your faction are PvPing. I’m looking for general time estimates, not exact numbers. When they guy said 72 plus hour weeks, I wondered if that was for 2-3 weeks toward the end of rank 8-9, or for 10+weeks. Big difference there.

Or you just join a raiding guild and have better gear in BWL for less work.


Depends on the class. Druids need the whole rainbow to be effective in PvP, only other set in the game providing a similar itemisation doesn’t come out until AQ40.

The run speed 4P bonus is also a godsend considering half the Cat Druid abilities have positional requirements.

I wouldn’t rank if i wasn’t a Druid.


2P Redoubt + 5P Judgment is Beast mode, my man.

I’ve been trying to rank since the system came out. After AV released, I average just over 100k honor a week. Currently 28% into R7.

This number will change depending on your server tho.


Vanilla was different, so hard to say on AB. This version of AV did draw many since honor was so high. I hope they kick this AV to the curb. It is a really awful version of AV.

That said, just about everyone enjoys AB and WSG much more (esp. than this AV). I personally plan on AB and WSG only once I hit R11. I don’t have the time I once did and also not feeling nearly as ‘crazed’ haha. I always felt the blue sets with some exalted rewards did really well, I never felt overmatched in that gear. Obviously the purp set and weapon are better but most don’t have that so normally players you face are on similar footing, at least until Naxx. (even then, just that more have very good+ pve gear). Right now those who pvp have the advantage of having a pvp skill tree rather than a pve one (for some classes, that matters a lot).


Hopefully phases/patches lower AV honor and/or raise AB/WSG honor. But WSG is already going, already games. I play it some. Should always be able to get am AB or WSG match. In vanilla there were more AB matches than any other BG, except when they held bonus honor weekends for WSG or AV.

It will be really tough to give you an estimate since it varies by week and by server, but at minimum you should expect 4+ hours casual PvP or 2-4 hours try-hard PvP (i.e. decent premade) for at least 2 months, assuming you’re starting at Rank 0-2.

I would strongly suggest you get HonorSpy. It is really good for helping you estimate. You can get 13000 RP a week, and you max out if you’re in bracket 14; each bracket below is ~ 1000 RP less. You can see how much honor is required for each bracket and you can google how much RP is required for rank 10. That will tell you how much honor you need, per week, on average, to get to your goal. The time it takes depends on how you PvP. Honor decay becomes a real problem when you hit rank 7+.

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