Rank 10 Grind

1st week you rank you can go up to 4 i think, past that its 2 max per week until 8 and then 1 per week max past that. 10+ i think requires 2 weeks per rank but i could be wrong, this might be 12+

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Just because the other players on your server determine how difficult it is to fill the bar doesn’t mean there’s not a PvP bar to fill.

There is a PvP bar and the bottom is still 0, but the height of the bar, and the scale setting each of the 13 interval iterations, varies. Like Tln says - the bar exists!

Which is how it is supposed to work…

Not sweaty no life ing it to rank 11

If you just started.

Your outlook with 40 to 72hrs a week.

First week if starting will be rank 2 or 3.

2nd week rank 4.

3rd week depends on standing
You could be rank for 4 1 to 3 weeks same goes for all others.

Farm 100k per week and you will be fine. Maybe in 3 months you will be r10.

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That’s my plan.

Depends on the server and faction, but on my server, if you get around 150k honor each week you should be able to hit rank 10 in 10-20 weeks.

150k doesn’t sound like much, but that’s over 30 hours a week if only doing AV, horde side of course.

If you didn’t start when p2 dropped, then you flat out do not rank for PvP. Welcome to the worst ranking system ever devised by the WoW team. You’re looking at an honor system so utterly broken, ill devised, and poorly executed that it was scrapped in its entirety for the PvP rework in TBC.

PvP in vanilla was always a joke.
The ranking system was another, bigger joke.
The PvE rewards for PvP content is the kernel of corn sitting atop the poop sundae.

If you’re not already looking at rank 12 right now, just ignore PvP ranking; it’s not a part of your game because that’s how it was designed.

I hit rank 10 2 weeks ago. I’ve ranked every week since honor system released.

I currently spend ~70hrs a week pvping

Please don’t die from blood clots in your legs going to your lungs. No game is worth it.

Farout 70 hours a week for 10 weeks would earn me $40k

It depends on if your server is bracket stacking, has caps. Without that info, we can’t really tell you.

I’d suggest you hit up some high rankers on your server and ask them. There’s probably a discord you can join as well.

PvPing or not I’m still going to be spending that time at my computer probably, so uh I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

I love the responses saying you have to play 72 hours a week, 27 hours a day, etc.

Not even rank 14 requires that much effort, let alone rank 10. Ride a casual bracket 3 or 4 all the way and you’ll get there quickly and easily. Assuming your realm stacks brackets (or you’re at the top of bracket 3)…

0 RP - First week
11,000 RP - Second week, Rank 4.
19,800 RP - Third week, Rank 5.
26,840 RP - Fourth week, Rank 7.
32,472 RP - Fifth week, Rank 8.
36,977 RP - Sixth week, Rank 9.
40,582 RP - Seventh week, Rank 10.

So six weeks and you get Rank 10.

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On my server you’re not ‘casually’ getting into bracket 3

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Honestly if experiencing the “rankg grind” before you quit is the goal here dont bother. Id tell you its not worth it but youll find out soon enough…

If you make r10, make sure its a char you inted to keep playing for quite some time

There’s a ranker in my guild who plays with his wife. She doesn’t play nearly as much but she’s agreed to suck it up until he makes rank 14 or dies trying.

Be careful how you generalise an entire player base, it only shows how insecure you are.

not worth it, trust me

All depends on your server and how quickly you wanna get there…There is probably an optimum hour per week formula but we would need to know a lot about your server caps to give you that info.

Expect it to get much more intense as you get towards 10 if you’re alone