Ranger General Sylvanas pt2

The split-Sylvanas idea is kind of unsavory just because it means that “true” Sylvanas hasn’t had any personality development since WCIII, so it blank slates her character and throws even the interesting parts of her character from WCIII-WotLK.

Doesn’t mean they won’t do it, of course.


I think if Sylvanas got her “good soul” back, and could see what she’s done, it would drive her mad.

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You’re practically correct, but there’s the cinematic, in-game questlines, and short stories that give us a little more insight. I personally think that when we get glimpses of decent Sylvanas that we’re actually seeing the Ranger General, but who knows /shrug.

Not to mention all the discussions around “Banshee Sylvanas is exactly the same as Ranger General Sylvanas.”

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I fear pre-death Sylvanas may catch a rez and serve as a leader to High Elves on the Alliance.

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Just in time for DK Anduin to return and lead the Forsaken, thus completing the stupidest cycle ever.


Flavor text from the mount that drops after Sylvanas’ raid fight:

    “Sylvanas lost a part of herself, the day Arthas took her life, and the darkness within her grew to fill the void.”

So more confirmation that Arthas changed Sylvanas. But also that the darkness that grew was originally her own as well, just not the dominant part of her person while she was still alive.


Nice find!

I knew they were going somewhere with this when Anduin said “As if the Banshee Queen hasn’t entirely eclipsed the Ranger General”

As he talks about mortality hunting the Banshee Queen.

I’m good with it. I understand Droite’s point about two different Sylvanases…Sylvanasi…Sylvanasuses…, but I think if done properly there is a way to keep Patty Matson employed as Sylvanas’s voice actor for years to come without completely undermining the character. There are a number of ways they can approach this creatively.

And there is something to be said about having Justice for Sylvanas in regards to Frostmourne. There is something to be said for wrapping this storyline up in a way that does not completely undermine and alienate players who have spent years appreciating the Forsaken and Sylvanas stories in good faith.


I would hope anyone reading a thread called “Ranger General Sylvanas” would catch those nuances. I personally have been making that distinction for years.

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If they bring Ranger General Sylvanas back to replace the Banshee Queen they could use her to play the role Alleria didn’t accomplish in being a bridge for Quel’Thalas and the Alliance, if they really are considering letting all players play together finally.

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I don’t know Amadis.

I don’t think she’ll ever be back back. I can’t fathom how.

If she’s purged of the darkness/evil inside her; she’ll likely finish what she started at Icecrown.

This might be a rather cold opinion to have but I don’t feel that pre-death Sylvanas has any value as a character worth bringing back. She’s basically an 18-year old nobody who fought and died and that’s it. Rewinding to that point and trying to progress from there gives me the same “meh” feeling that I got when WoD was announced. Just a bunch of old clone characters I have little interest in seeing grow.


I would prefer Cursewords version, a middle ground between Blonde-hair blue eyed Elf and the Banshee Queen.

Someone who is still recognizably Horde-centric.


Ranger General Sylvanas was probably bound for Bastion. Luckily for her thanks to Uther people will now be allowed to pick and choose which memories they keep or throw away. If Ranger General Sylvanas has just been sitting in the Jailer’s vault all this time not doing anything, those probably aren’t memories worth keeping.

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If they just replace “bad” Sylvanas with “good” Sylvanas; that would be a completely different character from the Banshee Queen that has been leading the Forsaken since vanilla. I would hate that.

If they merge both souls back into one however, I would be fine with that assuming Sylvanas would still be the Forsaken racial leader.


This. Thank you for expressing my thoughts much more succinctly than I did. :+1:


Imagine sylvanas fans grasping that the sylvanas character they supposely loved up till bfa isnt the real sylvanas this whole time, what a wild ride


I think any form of Sylvanas coming back to lead the Forsaken again is as likely as Kel’Thuzad coming back to lead the Forsaken.

I’ve been trying to show them the distinctions for over a decade now! It’s mainly the people who hate the twisted version of Sylvanas who can’t make the distinctions tho. Now they’re pretending that they have been onboard this whole time ahahahahahah

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Uhh…you know Kat is slamming you right?

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