This is how you achieve world peace, add in lone wolf to mop surv play style
happy for you maybe but certainly not everybody
I boosted a tbc hunter and did the ranged sv thing and im not seeing the appeal. Certainly not to the foaming at the mouth and pointlessly attacking any disagreement loyalty. Maybe wrath sv I’ll see it? But from looking at this tree they always wanted SV to be mid range
Huh? The most crucial part of TBC SV, Expose Weakness, is ranged. They have melee buffs for situational usage e.g. PvP close quarters but the intent is very clearly to stay at range as much as possible.
When people talk about ranged SV they’re usually talking about the version from WotLK onwards where it got Explosive Shot and Lock and Load. In Classic and TBC all 3 specs mostly played the same with passive differences because the intent back then wasn’t to present 3 radically different playstyles.
Hmm almost sounds like retail survival… only we don’t have to go melee to trap. Certainly looks like this Wing Clip thing wants me melee. These actually beautiful defensives sure seem melee oriented with parrying and counter attacking why can’t retail sv have these?? That’s actually offensive how much they robbed us of defensive capability
This thread delivered! I could see the smirk on his face when he first posted, only to watch it dashed on the rocks.
The intent of current Survival is to stay at range as much as possible?
Wing Clip is literally for escaping melee.
BM and MM will have it in Dragonflight. Are they melee specs now?
Is MM currently a melee spec because Bursting Shot requires melee?
Lol. Hunters were NOT in a good place in BC PvP. They were the least-represented class by quite a bit. Our defensive capability was NOT good. Their design intent was to have Hunters be weaker in melee and require Hunters to use creative/defensive play to deal with it, but ultimately it was more and more of a handicap as time went on and all the classes evolved.
This is what melee SV players struggle to understand. The melee “capability” of Hunters before MoP was a consolation for an underlying handicap: not being able to use ranged weapons in melee range. Hunters were always at their most deadly at ranged; including Survival. So when we were able to use ranged attacks in melee range there was no point to the melee toolkit any more. It was an improvement, not a nerf. So if they look to classic WoW to find the roots of current melee Survival they won’t find it because Survival currently lacks a ranged weapon and has to stick to melee to achieve its full damage potential, unlike classic/TBC Survival.
Literally the first thing I posted when I saw the change.
Like I said in the opening post: it’s evidently not nearly enough. But what it does do is furthers the existing design pressure of SV towards ranged. Since Legion the melee has become more and more sidelined as the spec becomes more and more proportionally ranged. Dragonflight is another step in that direction mainly because of the class tree. While Blizzard is unlikely to ever cut the life support, the next best thing is keeping up the pressure on SV’s design to make melee more sidelined and minimised over time so people keep questioning the decision to make SV melee even years into the future.
SV isn’t going back ranged, the only thing remaining is several more years of you whining about it.
As long as the marksmanship meta isn’t Lone Wolf or die there’s still going to be that option at least - although yeah circusmaster is a bit silly. I’m a bit sad Murder isn’t on the MM tree anymore though since I liked to spec into it sometimes for falconer stuff.
Anyway here’s to hoping they manage to make a fun MELEE tree for survival which will inevitably be my alt spec
This wasn’t the gloating of victory. It was the ironic smirk of watching Blizzard devs adamantly insisting this spec is melee, while continuously undercutting and contorting its melee identity because it is not compatible with the core of the class.
The core of the class can handle melee just fine.
I’ve been gone a year and come back and people are still saying these kinds of things? If they did this then MM lovers would be angry because we’d be forced to carry a spec that doesn’t gel with MM.
I mean, seriously, it’s not MMs job to be a replacement for RSV. It also wouldn’t be fair to MM to devote talent space to make MM into RSV and RSV players would hate being stuck in MM because it inevitably wouldn’t be what RSV ever was.
I would very much like for people to stop trying to force RSV into MM. It doesn’t work. All you have to do is look at Legion MM to know it doesn’t work. Legion was easily the most disliked version of MM there has ever been.
Why ? It was a core part of Survivals talents when it was ranged .
Talents like that were put into the MM talents in Legion and were put in no way like they were when they were survival so that people would not pick them.
This was done after Blizz told all the range survival players they were giving them all a way to play range Surv via the mm tree.
If Bepples and others are bitter over what happened it isn’t so much that the spec went melee , it is over the fact that Blizz bold faced lied and said they were giving us an option to play actual range surv via talents in MM and we have beed waiting since Legion for Blizz to carry through with their promise.
I wouldn’t hold your breath, there is no way they can push RSV into MM and preserve the playstyle of MM and RSV. MM doesn’t want to be RSV and doesn’t want to have to make room for RSV and RSV doesn’t want to be just a set of talents in a spec it doesn’t belong in.
And even if they could bring back RSV in MM, what happens when RSV talents become the meta? How many MM players are going to be furious that to play optimally they have to play what amounts to a spec they don’t want to be?
In short the solution to deleting to RSV is not trying to pawn it off on MM.
I know they never will but I’m going off what Ion said back before Legion launched .
He said survival abilities would be going into the mm talents and they did , but they were so broken that people didn’t take them outside of exp shot and come BfA most were removed with then going people really didn’t want to play range after all.
Of course they didn’t when Blizz made sure the options for it sucked.
Im not saying the the exact old survival build should exist within the MM tree but i think the best solution would be for the tree to have thematic choices between stationary precision shots and on the move special ammunition shot.
I dont think trying to force more of the survival theme into MM is some ideal solution but blizzard has made a mess of things for hunters. During WoD all 3 speccs played very similary, the abilities might have switched some names around and their function might vary somewhat but once you got in and played them you could feel the similarities.
Once Legion came they reworked all speccs majorly and pretty much deleted the class, none of the speccs currently feels like they are an evolution from the old hunter playstyle and i think this is a major issue. I dont think it would be fair to force survival into ranged again since it now has new people that love that specc and blizzard seems hellbent on making BM a beast canon specc, so that leaves MM which currently lacks any identity, they want it to be a sniper specc but it plays nothing like that and they are jsut throwing random abilites at them which just causes ability bloat.
I feel you when it comes to this topic. For year now the developers have been trying to come up with some ridiculous alternative for the survival playstyle, yet they keep failing. I don’t think the melee hunter is a bad idea, but the approach that they still trying to take is wrong. It will be nice to have a similar playstyle to Rexxar or Zuljin in Heroes of the storm. They are both hunters that can both melee and range approaches but without stopping from being a hunter; not using grenades, nuclear missiles, tanks, and made-up stuff, simple dual wield weapons.
It will be cool to see survival using play like Zul’jin from heroes of the storm. Think about it as a mid-range hunter that specializes in throwing weapons, with these implementing abilities such as barrage, serpent sting, and explosive shot. On top of that, the idea of wildfire bombs could be replaced with wild fire axes. On top of that, they could add talents to improve our traps that will help support/SURVIVE since we are not fighting at 40 yards. Just picture throwing a barrage of axes, knives, swords at your enemy.
When is the next crying thread due? This one is already 5 days old, you’re behind schedule!
Nor will it ever again.