Ranged Survival is a thing

Just played survival hunter on Beta with a full bomb build and used a bow and did almost equal DPS then in a melee build. this should not be so. there are not enough melee abilities for Survival to feel melee we just stand in melee range that does not make us melee

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It truly frustrates me how many players have no idea how MSV even plays


I think we need to see the logs my man. SV has always been able to “play ranged” but its always been a bad rotation with a heavy drop in damage. And I doubt it is now.

But if this is the case and you are right, logs should be able to prove it.


Grabs popcorn I am ready to see the logs!


Yeah they should just get rid of the melee weapon because it’s pointless. Use a ranged weapon instead. It will help you survive + it’s more unique in the game!


Though we sometimes shoot, as it has been said, it was also said SV Hunters will be in melee doing melee things. So even if you use a bow and shoot, Arcane and Steady shot is not going to replace what RS, MB, FS, Spearhead, Carve-Butch does in damage.

Also CA does not work with a range weapon I believe. So a lot of damage left out. So yeah, kinda doubtful about this.


Also, oddly enough, kill shot requires a 2h for survival.


MM hunters are some of the easiest to gank in battlegrounds so, range doesnt help if you know how to do it. PVE who cares. Also its never going to be ranged so enjoy that mongoose bite


This is one thing that i wondered about. Regardless if you have a bow or sword equipped you still pull out the little one hand finisher bolt crossbow. Why does it require you to have a 2h weapon equipped in survival when you can do it while holding a bow in MM
Im a survival main and i use bow a LOT

It’s probably to make sure you can’t use Kill Shot while disarmed.

The ultimate root cause is that you have a class that’s defined around ranged weapons necessitating common foundational elements like Kill Shot but you have a spec that arbitrarily avoids that core element of the class. So they need to either make weird “some ranged abilities” compromises like this to keep the spec as recognisably a Hunter while still getting their melee fix, OR they can just ignore the class entirely and run off and make something that’s effectively its own class. The latter is what they did in Legion and it was an infamous disaster (at least a more intense disaster than everything that came after).


It would be better thematically if Kill Shot was a base ability and Survival had a core ability like “Finish Them Off (Replaces Kill Shot) (Requires 2H Weapon)”

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Damn, I remember when Legion killed ranged Survival and I was fuming about it and posting a lot and remember your name coming up a lot.

I’ve since retired my hunter ever since Legion’s changes, good to see you’re still around though.


If you do same damage with how and spear , you’re obviously doing something wrong as melee hunter.

My best advice , if you wanna ranged play BM or MM. If you wanna cool play style where you fight shoulder by shoulder with your pet , go SV

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It a way to force SV to still play melee. You pull out a range weapon more than swinging a stick. The tree should have two or even three splits were you csn customize to either a range or melee play-style.

The first node should give two options of were to add points, you equip range weapons or you equip melee weapons. From there you can have all melee attacks or all range.

They would say it not possible to balance to play-style and one would be stronger, but why cannot we just play what we want?

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It would be better thematically if SV were ranged.


Let me guess, it was the most popular and most played spec since vanilla wow and every hunter is missing ranged survival hunter


Sorry, not interested in talking to you or your love for melee survival.

Have a good day.


BTW since you haven’t been around here for a while I’ll let you in on a fun fact. Jinday originally posted here on their Warrior main and bragged about their SV Hunter DPS, not realising that we could easily find the Hunter alt’s DPS and see it was quite poor. They tried to deny it at first. Jinday also got caught out posting from alts.

So that’s about the level of honesty you should expect.

To keep the post on topic: Survival should be a fully ranged spec. Hunters should keep everything they start with at level 1 and that means a ranged weapon.


survival doesnt start with a bow. This is kinda like saying arms warriors need to stick with a sword and shield cause thats what the warrior starts out with. Its almost as if…


Been a die hard surv fan since WoTLK, still playing it, not going to weigh in on if it should be melee vs range (wish it was range, but whatever, stil going to play).

But, I have for run done a few raids from time to time when bored as range surv. Even now messing around on target dummies. Range surv (using steady/arcane over goose/killshot/etc) does not do the same dps. Its…not really even close. If you are doing the same, then you are not playing MSV correctly. Yes you can be a “range” surv but its like playing at maybe 60% power.