Ranged Survival is a thing

I think survival is honestly in great shape as it is. Leave the deep ranged talents to marksman. Usibg the bow as a survival for me is just a little treat, Kill command, grenades, steady shot, arcane shot do a GREAT job at maintaining sone dps while keeping out of melee range. At some point you need to decide when you want to engage melee though. In pvp i use the bow, kill command, grenaded and steady shot against classes like death knight and even warrior sometimes, just to tear them down a bit before i get into melee combat. Just like to touch again on how kill shot should be useable while holding bow as a survival. Just makes sense.[quote=“Cymbelladine-sisters-of-elune, post:11, topic:1398725, full:true”]
It would be better thematically if Kill Shot was a base ability and Survival had a core ability like “Finish Them Off (Replaces Kill Shot) (Requires 2H Weapon)”

That would also include a pet.

Edit: Alright, well level 4. Close enough. :smirk:

Thanks. That’s a new and fascinating opinion.

Stinks on some alt posting here. You’re playing melee but don’t wanna talk about melee, plus you’re saying that you retired hunter since legion. Sounds like a fake hunter fan

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Yes it would.

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Why are you trying to pick a fight lol, I’m just saying hello to Bepples.

No this is awful

“Oh no how awful, I can now share iconic and unique features of the Hunter class and be able to deal full damage at any distance… whatever will I do :(”

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