Range tracker disabled

looks like the range tracker from DBM/WAs will no longer be working in classic now thanks to changes to their API


is that the /range ability? because if it is disabled a lot of guilds are going to be so screewed.

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based on what i read, that is exactly what is getting hit by this change

ok so good luck to guilds progging on saurfang, blood council, and bloodqueen.

No one asked for this change and no one wants it. We’ve had this ability forever, what is the point of taking it away?


collateral damage from them hitting retail because they can’t be bothered to make raid mechanics actually be telegraphed so people make addons and WAs to do it for them

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We need some tuning maybe reduce the range of the Classic mechanics that this has been used for since 2009?

Blood council in ICC being one current boss on 25M that this change will severly impact.

Empowered shock vortexes gonna be a bad time. Maybe reduce the size from 8 yard to a 5 yard would be a solution to this?

Let’s campaign against this change, if Ferals can cry and change the game for their own benefit why can’t the rest of the general population? Band together and fix this as a Community!

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ferals didnt do anything other than freak out at an embarassingly high level over what eneded up being nothing more than a test on ptr

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Let’s campaign for this change to go further. We don’t need combat addons!

Let me get this straight. You make “range” a mechanic and then take away the ability for players to check “range”. Then you want to roll it out 5 weeks into a phase. Where’s the logic in that?


Its not only that this has been in the game since og wrath launch, i think it was present even in tbc but not needed as much.

They designed the fights around having this ability. I understand not wanting it now in retail but ripping it from Classic without designing a fix for it first is not great

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That’s why the addons existed, blizzard did a terrible job at communicating mechanics like animations not matching actual hit radius (assuming theres an animation at all. Looking at you Slime Spray),


People need to learn to play without addons for chrissake.


Exactly! Now, you will know you were standing too close when your whole raid wipes.

Still insane for them to rip something that has been apart of the game since Vanilla. Doesn’t make sense and we will not stand for it


i will accept this change if you break/ban restedxp

but oh yeah, you hired blud

they actually rolled it out during the retail race to world first mythic raid, classic just got hit as well since we use the same systems

Is this a retail forum? My bad

it’s not a retail forum, but it is a change made in retail that is affecting us. they didn’t do this because “we’re 5 weeks into the phase” they did it because of addons/WAs being made for the world first race in retail