Randomly kicked from dungeon

Hello I am a gnome and I miss you! Hope you’re doing well, gnoming at last.

Here you go! Maybe they wanted to play the game they’re paying for :man_shrugging:


They are the majority by definition. You need 60% of the group to kick someone out, AKA the majority.


It’s none of your business why I decided to log in again, but let’s just say that I intend to get as much out of the time I’ve put in over the years as possible before unsubbing for good.

(I play the game with gold, so having game time literally doesn’t matter to me)

And save your welcome. I don’t need it from the likes of you people. Weird stalkers checking my player activity several days after I left that comment…

I’m curious. What site shows that?

You were just claiming that you don’t play this horrible game anymore and you’re playing FF instead, but now you’re going to get as much out of your time as possible. lol oh man, this is golden.

It’s not weird stalkers, it takes a solid 45 seconds to find out someone is lying about not playing the game. What’s weird is to come to a forum of a game you claim you don’t play, tell everyone you don’t play it, and then get salty when someone calls you and tells the truth about you actually playing.

Quote where I said that I’m no longer playing the game. You can’t.

What I said, is

WoW has almost nothing left for me (emphasis on almost)… Which is true. I originally kept game time going in WoW since I thought I’d play both games at the same time. Surprisingly, I hadn’t touched WoW for a couple of weeks when I used to play everyday.

By the way, gotta love it when people like you come late to the party and spin what I said days ago into your own words. Is reading too hard, or do you just come here to troll people?

I find your amusement about this even more amusing than you realize…

Wrong. He dug around the forums to find my alt. A forum profile does not show alts.

Echo chambers are also weird, and only someone stuck in one would say otherwise.

This thread to me; smacks of blizz’s responsibility to improve the vtk system somehow. Far too many saying “ya it’s just jerks what can ya do” and it’s unacceptable.


yep. you see that you start with an ice breaker.

Hey dudes…give me boss 1 to at least not get a time out in the corner.

If a majority of the groups you’re in…

What you said is a valid statement. My point is that you seem to have missed the point of Paladina’s joke - someone said that votekickers are the minority and she pointed out that they are the majority, by definition. They were not saying that the majority of the people in their groups were kicking them out.

I guess I don’t understand is this happening to people over and over or just once? If it’s just once get over it.

You would think that this happens all the time. I’ve leveled multiple toons over multiple expansions and have only been kicked a handful of times. I will admit that I probably deserved most of them.

You mentioned they were all in the same guild. Unless you did something untoward, they may have made room for another guild-mate. Rude and unfortunate, but I’ve seen it happen.

I can tell you haven’t tried excessive vote kicking; a rather toxic former guild mate of mine regularly got locked out from starting any more vote kicks for days at a time.

OK so you still play the game :rofl: just like every doomsayer in this forum, if anything this proves that people only complain for the sake of complaining.