In a pug IE if I was in a hurry trying to cap running solo, yes, tbh.
Well that’s not cool, and very selfish.
ive leveled every class to 120 horde/ally (minus lock dh on ally side), its true they kick for no reason and sometimes the typing looks like this lkjsdklfjs for reason. i haven’t did it to someone but ive seen ppl do it or do it to me
You were slow, annoying, rude or they’re just jerks. If you weren’t bad or unpleasant, chances are they’re just needles.
I run an IE WA that shows the AZ gains and got kicked from an IE when I was still gearing this character because I died while having the most AZ, meanwhile the other 2 were doing nothing but attack the opposition players.
On the flip side I got kicked from an IE for having the lowest AZ gains while I was following around the other 2 killing what they were killing.
The VTK option just gets abused sometimes and people are just jerks.
It’s designed so that it cannot be abused. It’s literally impossible to abuse the vote to kick mechanic. And no, your definition of abuse doesn’t mean much, Blizzard defines what is and isn’t abuse in WoW.
Perhaps in the US? In EU this is not a common thing. It happens, but not as frequently as in the US apparently.
Ah dude, you missed the joke.
Vote to Kick is a majority vote, so if you get kicked it is indeed the majority kicking you.
Sorry, I just woke up
Seems kind of weird that there’s no practical limit to vote-kicking. I get needing to get trolls/terrible players/etc out of your group, but if someone is vote kicking left and right, it seems likely the players being kicked aren’t actually doing anything to deserve the kick… especially in trivial content.
We’re glad you felt the need to post about it on the forums.
Were you doing well? How was dat dps? Pull extra mobs? Lagging behind too frequently?
I know, it’s a leveling dungeon, but players treat all content as important so you only have a tiny bit of leeway before you get kicked.
some people are jerks. sorry you met four of them.
if it makes you feel any better at least one of them probably felt bad about it. and another one will likely feel bad about it in the future.
If you’re getting kicked from a majority of your groups that’s on you.
Holy necro.
Even my DK was shocked at how dead this was before arising
In that group yes
I was about to say only 2 months… then i noticed 2020.
To be fair this issue is relevant even today. If you see 2 or more people from the same guild and they’re talking the talk in chat just keep your head down and don’t say a word.
Necros a year old thread to call out another player, that’s one innovative way to get a forum vacation.
Too bad its not FF14 where you could have reported them and they would have gotten a suspension.
funny enough thats also what FF14 does they recognized no one wants to be unfairly punished and sit for 30mins cause of kick, so in the rare case you get kicked there, you have NO penalty and que right away. Its amazing.
2 can’t kick you unless the others agree.