Random Teleport to Elwyn Forest

ihappened to me 5 times in 15 minutes while questing in Argus…as soon as i engage a mob there it will transport me to the middle of the road in Elwynn…i see players spawn with me as well all confused. looks like a know issue now…

This is impressive. Not only can I barely play most parts of the game since 8.3 as a macbook user, but today I find that I can’t even work on my oh so fun rep grind either. These are some pretty interesting bugs that made it to live…

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same here on Azralon

Yes. Happened to my Horde character. I love Elwynn Forest. It was pretty funny. I was doing the quest in Argus near Krokul Hovel. The quest was ‘Prisoners No More’. I got one boss, Megraloth, and 5 out of 8 prisoners freed, when suddenly, during fighting, I just transported to the middle of a road in Elwynn Forest. Next thing, it says “Discovered, Elwynn Forest”. Oh yes, very repeatable, it happened to me four or five times. As soon as you engage the bad guys in that area, out you go.

Need a new buff. Anti-random transport. lol

This is some developers idea of a sick joke. The NPC’s on Argus never had the ability to teleport before. As a paying customer I’m not laughing.

This is still happening. Dragoons quest.

This just happened to me on the Dragoons quest. Thought maybe it was an enemy spell but why Elwynn of all places? Glad I’m not the only one who experienced this.

I have the same issue while doing on “Prisoners No More” quest.
So many time teleporting to Elwynn Forest …
very annoying :droplet:

Same, I was trying to get Void Elves and I was doing the “Fuel of a Doomed World Quest.” which requires you to get 50 of a rare drop in chests and when I looting a chest a Annihilan Fanatic casted Encroaching Shadow and teleported me to the Elwyn Forest.
Quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=48799/fuel-of-a-doomed-world
Npc: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=120723/annihilan-fanatic

Same. I’m about to nerd rage over how many times I come close to killing an elite for a world quest or completing a quest and its just like, nope, here’s a loading screen, and I’m just gonna drop you off here in Elywn Forest BFE. FML in WoW. Lol.

I submitted a bug and also a ticket - Blizz had me reset my UI (rename the folders so they could be re-created) after all my addons were deleted. I did that. It appeared to work as I could finish a quest out there, but today, it happened over and over again. Its not me, Blizz. Its you. I submitted another ticket, but imagine they’ll just send me the same ol automated response.

This happened to me today several times while I was gathering in Argus and it is very frustrating.

I got ported out while doing the prisoner quest but can’t even figure out how to get back

Had this issue last week, went there again today and same thing happened.

It has happened to me too. When fighting the mage woman. She casts encoaching shadows and it sends me automatically to elywn forest. Please fix this :frowning: !!!

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So took me over 2 days and 2 tickets but think I have an answer.

GM Shuyect
Greetings Brandon,

This is Game Master Shuyect. Thank you for your patience while we got back around to your reply. Apologies for the last response, our tools can get a little wonky at times.

After reviewing your original description I did some research to see what information we have on this issue at the moment. I can confirm there is an open bug that is being worked on by our Dev currently. Unfortunately we don’t have an ETA as to when it will be fixed however we were able to determine the cause which may help.

There are 5 mobs in Argus that cast a spell named, “Encroaching Shadows” This spell is what is bugged and causing players to be teleported back to Elwynn. The list of mobs that cast the ability are as follows:
Annihilan Fanatic
Antoran Portal Keeper
Antoran Soulshaper
Shadowbound Defiler
Talgathi Portal Keeper

So while it may be a challenging, you can try avoiding/interrupting these mobs or leveling in another zone until we can get this fixed. Despite this not quite being what you were wanting to hear. I hope my answer provides some clear insight into the situation at hand. As always, we will be here if you need anything else Brandon. I wish you the best in your future quests both in and out of game.

This has happened to me 5 times and I cant get anything done.

Same here…every time I am fighting in Argus, I get a teleport to Elywnn Forest. Got my mom to help who is a level 120 and it stopped happening because she can kill them quick. But it seems this has been happening to others for over a week. Blizzard…why you no fix? I rarely get to play and this sucks :frowning:

same! This just happened to me. Debuff “encroaching shadows”