Random Teleport to Elwyn Forest

Yep, just happened to me as well while out doing daily’s in Krokuun.

Just happened twice within 5 minutes and 2 hearthstones burned to get there. Guess I’ll log out now until they decide to fix this.

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Happening to us as well in Moonguard. It’s kind a scary being a Horde player and being teleported directly into Alliance territory repeatedly at random!

Just happened on my horde DH, and I ended up in Elwynn forest, not the barrens.


This has happened to me multiple times also but on one specific mob in Argus that I am unable to name at this time. This is so aggravating to start up a long process I need to go through to unlock an allied race to try to kill a mob to get to the last of three elites I need to complete a quest and to get ported to Elwynn Forest in the middle of combat. I don’t know exactly how long it will take me to unlock the Void Elves so I would like it very much for someone at Blizzard to fix this ASAP!!!

I got around it by dpsing it as fast as possible. If you’re in a guild on another char, see if you can get a 120 to come pop it for you. I was getting tp’d from multiple mobs, especially the third elite. I didn’t get through it until I killed it within 5 seconds. Might be happening faster for you, but fast dps got me past it.

Yeah they posted about it in the “known issues” tab. Apparently random instance resetting can happen, resulting in a loss of progress on whatever you were doing. At least they know it’s happening.

I got on after the servers got back online this morning and tried again. Although I was successful at getting past the part I was at, I am still having an issue with this by the spell casters. So if Blizzard knows about this, they didn’t do anything about it as I logged off after it did it once again. I kinda regret reactivating my account yesterday because it’s been nothing but aggravation since and I take it this is what Blizzard wants!

This just happened to me and some rando nelf dh. I was SO confused, glad to see this thread is here.

This is SOOOOOOO annoying!
My horde toon is getting ported to Elwynn Forest. Best option is to use my Dal hearthstone…but it has a 20-minute CD.
I don’t get to play very often and was very much looking forward to some game time today. Try to logon but severs are all down, supposedly until 8:00, but it ends up being until 10:00. FINALLY get logged in and try do do my first quest in the Krokuun area and get ported to Elwynn every time I engage any random mobs.

Maybe I can play next week! (???)

This is still happening if anyone is curious… not a good time… :slightly_frowning_face:


Has happened to me on Argus multiple times when engaging some kind of mages… Blizz please fix this is so annoying, I just want to do world quests/ questing on the area without being teleported every 5 minutes to Elwynn forest

Just happened to me, I am running around doing world quests and it just ported me to the Elwynn Forest

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In the area where you rescue the four dragoons, I ran up the ledge on the north side while under attack and was suddenly ported.

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I’m having the exact same issue, happened twice.

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I have the same problem. When I’ve been attacked for a mage mob in Argus I suddenly been teleported to Elwyn forest…

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I just tried it with my BE hunter on Darrowmere and they haven’t fixed it yet. I submitted another bug report. I’ll tell you what…a high level hordie being dropped near a fairly popular ally village… not a fun time. Glad I’m not on a pvp server.

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Just happened to me as well with my Frost Mage when from beginning parts of Argus to Elwynn Forest right outside goldshire. I was like WTF happened then someone said this happens quite often just put in a ticket. :frowning:

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Found this to be the case. after getting ported twice last night someone told me this was the cause. now I just lock those casters down and haven’t been ported since.

Still bugged after maintenance. The ability encroaching shadows on mobs should be disabled until they can fix it so it doesn’t teleport the target to the middle of the road in Elwynn Forest.