Random Teleport to Elwyn Forest

I don’t know if this counts as the known issue of being teleported to a different instance of the world or not. While questing in the Argus area, not only do I teleport to a different instance, but I get teleported to Elwyn Forest. It has happened to me four times in 20 minutes. As a DK, it is relatively fast getting back, I port to Ebon Hold, take portal to Dalaran, then portal thingy to Argus. That obviously is not ideal and should probably be looked into.


that has happened to me 3 times in a row right before i can fight Kar’aaz in the quest threat reduction


I found your post because a friend of mine is doing the same Kar’aaz quest and she has been teleported back to Elwynn forrest 3 times now so it must be bugged.

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This bug is happening to me as well.

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Happening to us on Feathermoon US and Aman’Thul Oceanic as well.

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You get ported there if something has gone wrong and the game doesn’t know where you should be or where to put you.
I found out there’s a way to force a character to Westfall via the Support pages, which is hand as I had a character stuck which wouldn’t load.

For now I suggest avoiding that quest, it must be trying to port you to a place which doesn’t exist, then it starts to panic and rather than leave you with a character you can’t load into (like I had) if sends you to Westfall.

As I understand it Westfall is something like 0,0 of a drawing, the first point you start with and draw everything in reference to.

Same is happening to me all over Krokuun, I wonder if it has something to do with the whole zone?


Same thing it’s doing to me. I’m trying to get You are now Prepared so I can unlock void elves, but every time I get fairly close to Kar’aaz I get teleported to Elwynn Forest. It’s really getting annoying.


Same here. Twice in the same place, when I was about to kill Kar’aaz.


I am having the same issue has anyone figured a way around it? I am trying to finish these quests…

Happened to me now twice. Once as a DH from Antorun Wastes, just after I’d used Infernal Strike.
And the other as Monk from Krokuun while punching demons near the Xenedar.
Submitted bug report for both.

It always seems to happen when I’m in combat near or with Kar’aaz. Five times now.

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Happens to me too, but on a different quest in Argus (my quest is “A Strike at the Heart”). I haven’t even made it talk to Turalyon, just killing some lower-level mobs on the way, and then poof! I’m in Elwynn Forest. Happened twice last night, and once again today.

It happened twice with me right now, while I was trying to do a World Quest in Argus…

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yep, just doing world quests and the same thing has happened to me. glad to see i’m not the only one, but also lame that this is happening to a lot of us. let’s hope Blizzard catches this bug 'cuz i want those damn void elves!!!

Its Encroaching Shadows. When an enemy casts Encroaching Shadows, boom, Elwynn, Its like clockwork.


This happened to me on my paladin last night twice, both times I noticed I had the encroaching shadow debuff.

I looked it up and there is another spell with the same name introduced in 8.3, my guess is there was some kind of collision within the database for that spell’s name. Hopefully they patch this soon.


Right idea, but not the right explanation – Westfall holds the Default graveyard for Alliance (Crossroads in the Barrens for Horde). You get teleported to the Default graveyard when the game doesn’t know where to put you.

The location of 0, 0 in EK is somewhere underground in Alterac Mountains. That’s where the boats and zeppelins are stored – If something goes catastrophically wrong with the server while you’re on a boat/zeppelin, you’ll potentially end up there.

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Happened to me 4 times within about an hour tonight, seriously annoying so I’ll just log out of this game now.

Still happening. Saurfang server when questing in Argus. Happened three times while in combat completing Lightforged Dragoons quest.