Random Mouse Sensitivity Spikes

Why are you hurting my feelings? I love Razer. I love WoW. Why can’t we all get along???

YASSS!!! MAN!! i was going bonkers. sometimes it would kill me! Solid smooth now.

Omg and here i have been thinking my mouse needs replacing.

First response had the answer /thread

Just make sure to not alt f4 the first after you put that command in, and it will be saved.

I could kiss you! I’ve been fighting this crazy issue for a while now. I noticed it only happened in certain parts of the map. I could duplicate it in one spot and while holding down the LMB I would run 20 steps and then move my mouse around and it was fine. Still holding the LMB I would run back to the original spot and slightly move my mouse and it would go all over the place!

Haven’t had the issue all day since implementing your fix!

I had no idea there was a setting to throttle background FPS. You just made my dual boxing experience much more pleasant sir. The FPS drop on my second screen has been annoying me for months.

This worked for me also. TY for the fix info!

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This thread is great and has helped a lot of players over the months, including myself.

But whenever I see this get bumped I always think at first glance that it’s a thread about me being cranky.


Just wanted to say this resolved my issue. Cheers!

Looks like it’s time to clean the cat hair off the laser.

Would you happen to be on a laptop? I use a laptop and this happens to me very frequently. for me, restarting my PC once or twice usually does the trick. the odd thing is that it only seems to be my mouse that’s affected, not the track pad. at first I thought that indicated a fault in my mouse, so I tried others but the problem still persisted. a fix would indeed be appreciated.

I’ve been experiencing this bug too often and it’s been driving me mad. It’s never the cursor, but the looking around with the mouse. The look speed becomes twice or maybe thrice the speed for a second or two and comes back to normal afterwards, and that disorients the sh*t out of me.

Another that is happening more often is that the speed is not twice or thrice but probably speed of light and it happens for a fraction of a second, so what it does is that it places the camera in a different position and different angle of course and it happens very suddenly when I’m looking with either left of right click, and I think it also happens when I’m pressing both buttons to move around. Usually it happens when I first click the mouse button(s) and little to never when I’ve had them pressed and held already for over 2 seconds.

It’s like the game is constantly pranking you, like once an hour on average, and it’s too annoying.

Now something I’m experiencing with BFA is that the mouse look becomes jumpy, but not in the same way. If you move your mouse slowly it stops happening, but I mean you have to be very slow, but if you look normally it would act as if the speed of your hand moving your mouse suddenly becomes the speed of light but only for as long as to move it an inch or two. It’s like the camera is teleporting to where it should be after a second if you kept moving (in a steady direction) the mouse to look around.

Please, fix this.

Edit: I thought that Choushin’s fix helped with my BFA mouse issue, but with further testing I saw that it only changed the issue from jumping to very short freezes. Thanks for trying.
Astanth’s fix didn’t fix my BFA issue, but I’ll try it in Classic.
Thanks, but I wasn’t lucky with any of the fixes in this post.
Praying for a fix from Blizzard.

Edit: I feel that it has something to do with a 4th problem, which is that the look speed is always being higher than the cursor speed, and that in itself is an issue for me, but it feels now that it’s causing all this too. To me it all feels like a cursor synchrony issue.

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This is awesome. I thought my mouse was just broken as well but I just did a quick Google search and here we are. I wish Blizzard would fix this…

First actually helpful necro I’ve seen in a while.

TL;DR: I disabled the “Max Foreground/Max Background background” and the random sensitivity spike stopped but my mouse began to move randomly to my second monitor. Then I disabled NVidia’s GeForce Experience Game Filter ‘Capture / Enhance’ setting and the mouse stopped moving randomly.

I want to give a rundown of what I did that so far has fixed everything that I had regarding this problem.

I was first having problems with the random sensitivity spikes, and I stumbled upon this problem. Last time I played the game in 2015 in WoD I had a different PC and no problems were there, but after buying a new PC, this problem began.

First, I did the fix with turning off the Max Foreground and Background FPS, as well as doing the “/console RawMouseEnable 1” command. It did fix the random spikes, but my mouse would randomly teleport to either my second monitor or to a corner of the screen.

As a healer it didn’t mess me too much, as I do not turn my camera too often and I usually use mouseover macros, but the problem went wild when I began playing my Ret Pally alt and the constant need to change targets.

Earlier in this post I saw someone talking about “disabling second screen sharing” and I kept scratching my head over it… So I began to think it had something to do with Nvidia GeForce Experience’s capture overlay from my GeForce 1660… And for me it was.

Opening the layer (Alt+Z as the default keybind), clicking on ‘Game Filter’, and then turning off the “Capture / Enhance” option did the trick of the second part.

I’m still trying out to see if I can turn on the Max Background FPS/Max Foreground FPS thingie is still an issue or if it’s the GPU’s problem or not.