Random loot is very, very broken

Bigfoot is totally out there, I feel it in my bones! :smiley:

I like in legion where depending on what mythic + dungeon you can that week will determine what gear comes out of the cache.

So if me and every DH wanted eye of command from upper Kara, I would run exclusively upper Kara so I can narrow down the loot the RNG is picking from

I hate how the mythic + cache just picks from every dungeon regardless of what you ran that week

As others have pointed out, your frustration is with randomness in general, and doesn’t have much to do with the game.

The general sentiment here is understandable, but its not really any different than how the game has ever worked, so there isn’t much to fix.
If they allowed every single slot in the game to just be on a vendor or something, it would completely change the way the entire game’s power curve would progress, and deviate from even the earliest of days in such a way it would be unrecognizable.

In essence, the problems with “random loot” is all in the mind of the player.
I think the biggest thing contributing to that is the absolute absurd amount of gear we get showered on us.

For example, if you want a chest item in Classic as a healer, you have only 1 option. The teal chest from Baron Rivendare in Strat undead.
It is without question the best chest in the game, and any other ones would be mathematically inferior until at least BWL if not AQ depending on your spec.

Meanwhile in BFA, item level is all that matters, and titanforging blurs that line to such a degree that you might get 6 chests in a row that are all equally good or bad depending on small criteria like stats.

It creates this situation where we don’t feel like gear is rewarding, even though it is something that is demonstrably false thanks to sites like Warcraft logs, and the lethargy along with that combines particularly bad when you get those 6 chests, but still have no pants.

That’s not a problem with randomness, because if the solution would be to be less random, then you would just complete your set extremely quickly and never care about gear again.

Its a problem with how the player power is delivered, and frankly with so many superfluous sources of gear.

For reference, my alts that I play maybe 2 hours a week are all approaching 410.
My DK is 415, and my neck is 10 levels higher on it than on those alts, and I play it 30+ hours a week.

While I am a realist and understand why this is great for me personally, this is not good for the game, and creates these situations like described in the OP.

But most importantly, you and many others have suggested that there is something not working right with the “randomness.” Any developer knows that true randomness can never be properly created, because it is an illusory essentialization of statistics and has no inherent value to our perception.

They try their best, and maybe they have failed in some way, but the burden of proof is on YOU if you are going to make this claim.
Compile every item you get and first of all, prove you aren’t exaggerating about these statements. Once you do that, you will have your first point of datum. Then you will need to convince others to do the same. If there is actual evidence mounting, they will have no choice but to address it, like what happened with Legendaries at the start of Legion.

As shady as it sounds, they weren’t going to tell us about that unless we forced them to, so you will need to do that again here.


is just not compelling enough of an argument!

Step 1 is proving there is something that needs to be fixed in the first place.


Their best bet is to remove these stupid lootbox style rewards and vastly reduce the gear quality from doing braindead content.

m0 x4 weekly should be 385

Warfront quest and world boss should be 385

Weekly cache should just be flat gone and have azerite gear drop in the dungeons

Emissaries should drop 370

Also remove titanforging.


ive read it suggested that you’re essentially guaranteed a “nice” TF per character once you reach BfA content and in all my exerpience with alts, seems to check out

my blood Dk got a 425 trinket in his first mythic chest; never seen anything like that on my main and often see guildies link fat TF on their newly maxed chars.

sort of like the first few legion legendary being more or less guaranteed

I have had that happen as well.

Today’s emissary, supposedly awarded a weapon or piece of gear for your spec. Ran nine toons through it, not one got a weapon or anything that was an upgrade. Just going to accept the fixed rng for what it is and stop doing all this dishonest rigged content.

agree that rewarding luck and more slot machine pulls over skill and time invested is not compelling game design

Have you tried doing content that actually drops upgrades as a baseline with defined loot tables?

I feel the lootbox style gearing for stupid easy content is way too high and leads people to sit around waiting for their pull of the welfare lever and getting mad when it doesn’t give them an upgrade.