While exploring or questing through the vast World of Warcraft, have you ever stumbled across some random spot and just stopped for a moment to give it an extra long look because you spotted something that makes it stand out to you in some pleasant way? For me, I’ll give them example of Classic The Maker’s Terrence, the entrance to Badlands from Loch Modan. I am, for whatever reason, fond of many of WoW desert zones (even after all these years and expansions, Durator remains one of my single favorite zones in the entire game) but I just found myself passing through doing old quests for Loremaster and paused just to appreciate the color and detail of wavy sands for a couple of minutes. I’m sure there are a few more for me, but that’s the one that’s at the top of my head for the moment.
This is silly…but in Ashenvale there is this specific spot where you go to summon a npc for more quests when your on horde side. It’s right at the warsong lumber camp when you are to help an important blood elf emissary or something. But when you explore that area a little bit you can find a random lit candle laying on the ground.
Like in the grass, nothing around it. Just a candle for no reason. Not by the road, or around anything, it’s just a big open area of grass and flowers… and a candle. I sometimes go back there and giggle at it, I think maybe somebody put the wrong doo-dad there
In a way it makes me happy, it makes me think of the people who work on the game and how much fun or how frustrating it can be. Like maybe that candle was supposed to be a flower or something else. I noticed it all the way back in cata. I’m glad it’s made it so long!
In my headcanon, this character lives on Quel’danas
The tranquility of Darkmoon Island
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I like the Elven Tower portside in Quel’thalas. It’s a little hard to get to with that damn invisible wall, but it’s very peaceful and quiet. No ambient noise or music in Quel’thalas zone. I just wish they would remove that void bubble over the area.
Halfhill is my favorite area in the game.
Anything with Blackrock in the name.
Revendreth is awesome to look at, even if I cant stand SL.
Northern and southern barrens I always enjoy doing the quests.
Nagrand (Outland) - On the floating island with the apple tree
Tirisfal Glades - Around the mushroom ring in the Whispering Forest
Arathi Highland - That one farm to the far-right of the map near the sea
I believe was on the secret battle pet Uuna to pick up her teddy bear Nuu in a series of islands of located in Argus. And you had to do glide or double jump just right to get you to the next floating island. My heart doesn’t often drop looking over edges to nothingness especially when I fall to my death in this pixelated game, but that made my heard drop. I gave that spot an extra look because it stood out.
Since my TL isn’t high enough
/way Eredath 32.7 75.5 Nuu
the tram, it’s nice hanging out with nessy
Love the Gallyxix pleasure palace.
I know it’ll be used for player housing one day
Looks fantastic but sadly seems to be deleted now, going to keep an eye out for something similar. Great pics though!
Different places in Winterspring, esp near the geysers ~
Pity. I should have archived them.
Not sure if it still exists but I recall an interesting cliff side in Mulgore where the critters wear armor and weapons and chase each other around. It was a very odd place but it was amusing in some degree, overall mulgore seen from on top of the totem in Thunderbluff is quite lovely or it was last time I went up there.
There’s a little hill on the plains ,I watch the sunset there it’s beautiful all those colors and effects,ahh
That stretch of bridge between the blood elf starting zone, and Falconwing Square.
Flying over Suramar City.
The amazing architecture in the Storm Peaks Northrend.
Feralas in general has always been a favorite of mine. Playing alliance since vanilla, this zone was so far out of the way; it just felt like a faraway land. Of all the forested regions vanilla, this one always felt the most lush and dense and old.
More specifically, sitting by the shore at feathermoon stronghold watching the stars at night. sigh
I have a gnome home in Ironforge, there are no NPCs, no doors, just me and my decorations and 36 of my gnome descendants.