The forums have been constantly asking Blizzard for RDF and they’ve continuously been radio-silent regarding it.
Just tell us they’re not adding it… I’m aware they’ve stated that BEFORE WOTLK came out, now that the realms have settled, give us the final nail in the coffin so I can get peace knowing Blizzard killed their most praised expansion.
were CLEARLY you dont understand the meaning of this post. we are talking about why “we” would like to see them and all you want to do is shame people for doing so. respectfully stop making me feel uncomofortable in posting “my” opinions. and the way i would like to play my game.
So remember when they added “cross realm arena” “capabilities?” Look how useless that is. Look at the amount of effort they put in to make that “work.” You can’t even search or queue. You gotta use a 3rd party to contact them, talk to them, add them to battletag.
That was something they actually promised they WOULD do; ok they sorta did it, but look how poorly it was implemented. At this point it almost seems like they couldn’t do it even if they wanted to. All it really did was make it easier to buy and sell rating boosts from faerlina and benediction. I won’t even go into the other 90% of servers that died to create those two servers, since it’s already been discussed to death. What a garbage aspect of the game to cater to btw, buying and selling boosts. No wonder they can’t get any esports off the ground.
Now consider RDF, something they said they WOULDN’T do. I can’t even imagine how poorly that would be implemented, seeing how bad the cross realm arena capabilities turned out. You might think it would be easy, since it’s active in retail, as is cross realm arena. But apparently it’s not easy.
The backstory they have in mind, jsut me guessing though, is long ago they said they had no plans at the time to put it in.
Key words: at this time, this was way back.
Time has passed. many changes never even thought of…happened.
Some want to know what the stance is now at THIS time. May 2023 that is.
IF not now, ICC?
If not ICC, Cata?
I mean this game version got a rep boosting tabard even retail doesn’t (more like never) have. That was not planned at the time this was said either lol.
The game is “dead” theyll add it once the fomo fades from HC, DF and D4.
So a couple weeks before ICC i assume late August
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I don’t think those two things are the same thing though People normally don’t play wow for pvp It’s more of a Side thing I mean yeah it’s cool that pvp Is cross realm and the same thing with arena.
But let’s be honest rdf Is more likely to get people to join the game Or people to come back then Arena or battlegrounds Mainly because it helps you level and gets you past that beginning little gear grind.
PVP Does help with that here and there If you’re a healer or dps but tank Unless you’re a druid not so much And a lot more people need to level and do that beginning gear grind.
And it filters people in on top of that A high geared player tank, Heels,dps Can have a lot more fun Just going through and destroying Heroics for new players it’s actually something fun a lot of people used to do.
You can’t do that in battle grounds or arenas At least not in the same way I’m if you have really high end pee gear yeah you can munch out people sure but One person can’t carry one single battleground.
It’s just not the same thing My point is though rdf Would be much more beneficial to the game than pvp is.
We waited long enough, add RDF…
Blizzard add. RDF, stop being cringe, the small handful of casuals who were anti RDF are already gone, they just came supported a bad idea and left the game. Never listen to them again.
add it now blizzard k thx
Was my favourite feature in the original wrath… then I stopped playing at start of Cata.
and you don’t notice the correlation?
That Cata had a lot of changes unrelated to RDF that drove a lot of people away? A lot of people have noted that.
By the time they figure out how to do RDF or enable it, Cata Classic will be out. Really feels like they’ve just given up completely and don’t care about anyone who cares about RDF. They only care to respond to streamers problems (like banning griefers on hardcore) since people are watching them. It really feels like if you are pro RDF that Blizzard doesn’t care what you want.
Remember that original video, its about the community, which isn’t there anymore imo. I logged into the Wrath server I’m on and server seemed pretty dead.
The server could be very alive, the socialization just happens in Discord and not in game now. They tried to save a sinking ship after it had already sank by removing RDF in the name of socialization.
I’m thinking about starting over on a new server
No idea, and frankly oughta be, but…
I am able to use the LFG system to very good effect, so there is that.
WTB the RDF for at least normal / heroic dungeons, H+ and H++ can be excluded there and for very good reasons.
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Highly suggest Aetish if you are wanting to play Alliance side and are west coast. A good balance of groups and generally pretty active players.