Random Dungeon Finder

OK, but how is this relevant to how dungeons were run in classic?

Oh, I see, you didn’t have to give away your personality that easily.

I don’t pretend anything of the sort.

As opposed to 2 people going to the summoning stone with 3 others staying in Dalaran?

Oh yeah, the open world is very alive right now :roll_eyes:


It’s 5 man content. If you manage to bond over a 10 minute affair good on ya, but most people really dont. Particularly when they actually want to do the dungeon.

These already don’t exist, how is RDF relevant?!

Good lord, Brian is that you?

RDF doesn’t change this.

World pvp died with flying, move on.

Not only is your personality showing again, there aren’t any repercussions NOW (or has been at any point in classic, or hell, even the original game).

Yes, it would.

But this is just you treating other people as bots.


Except it does by making traveling and the world around the dungeon irrelevant. And I agree, most teleportation is bad in an mmo.

YOU do this and project your personal play style on everyone else.

The repercussions without RDF is you ruin your reputation on the server and don’t get groups in the future. RDF makes you annoynimous with cross realm and no real long term consequences for bad behavior.

You accused me of being a booster.

YOU don’t*

There is tons of advertisements for leveling guilds on my server. You just don’t seek them out so I guess that means they don’t exist /s

World pvp was harmed by flying but was killed by layering which fostered the mega server mass migration. World pvp is still thriving and kicking on grobbulus which seems to really get under the skin of retailers and rdfers for whatever reason lmfao.

The repercussion was a bad reputation on your server.

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Okay so you just don’t like something that has existed in WoW since day one and this is not a specific complaint about RDF.

/shrug it’s not like I have party chat turned off, I can see exactly how much or rather how little people chat in dungeons.

Noone gives two :poop: about dungeon groups, if you try to bad mouth someone in chat for a perceived slight you’ll get laughed out of the channel and likely reported.


Don’t let me stop you if you’re all having fun, but you know this is a troll and you’re feeding it.

You aren’t going to do anything but feed and sustain them further at the expense of your time. Classic trolling strat really. Already a lot of deflection and broad open statements with no supporting arguments for them.


No it doesnt. Hop on a flight path then walk away from the computer for about 4-7 minutes or wait for a summon.

Not there isnt. Especially with Alpha and Beta difficulties, but even then you could still make your own group.

Yes there is, being kicked is one of them. If you are continuously kicked from dungeons then you arent gaining anything but wasting your own time.

I did that in Wrath on my DK soooo.

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This isn’t a thing that happens. Especially for sodding 5 mans. Imagine actually thinking server rep matters for 5 mans :roll_eyes:

No I didn’t, I said the vast majority of dungeons being done outside of the daily (in TBC/WotLK) have been boosts.

Most people just want their dungeon done and do something else.

So why do they need 5 mans for this?

Good lord, what?

You think layering is what made mega servers?


Good lord, what?

1 server that happens to be an RP server.

It doesn’t exist anywhere else.

That never mattered jack, especially for 5 mans.


These are the exact same talking points Red uses so /shrug

You’re acting like you haven’t been paying attention to what happens on the internet these last few decades. People lie all the time. The most important skill you need is the ability to ferret out the liars. You usually can’t prove them wrong. There’s rarely sufficient data for that. The best you can do is look for things that sound like bs and stories that just don’t ring true.

I’ve seen zero evidence of that. Some anti-rdfers have been just as vocal for changes as some pro rdf. They’ve also been just as hypocritical using no changes as an argument when it suits them and some changes when it suits them. I’m pro rdf and don’t support any of those changes.

That’s not an argument made in good faith. You know that blizzard stated there would be no rdf when they announced it’s removal. If they had announced it would be added with ICC 90% of the arguments for rdf would disappear. And you know that most systems were added early, like dual spec. So it’s not illogical to ask for rdf to be added early.


I love how you didn’t address the point. RDF reduces the size of the world by making travel irrelevant. Seems you have no counter point, you just personally prefer a lobby but instead of saying that you want to pretend it somehow doesn’t with zero supporting arguments.

So you deliberately join with like minded anti social groups and don’t bother talking yourself and project this onto the player base as a whole?

YOU don’t care about dungeon groups*. My server has had blacklists of toxic players and it’s very effective.

Except it does, maybe not on retail which I can see from your icon you play since every mmo feature has been stripped out. My server has always had black lists of toxic players and they work.

Leveling guilds get together like minded people and form communities and groups for getting dungeons done and questing together.

Permanent layering resulted in smaller servers slowly bleeding of the top guilds onto the full pop servers, which had the butterfly effect of the server bleeding further into full pop realms, and everyone dog piling on the biggest servers. It’s a natural consequence of what happens when you don’t cap populations at reasonable numbers.

Ah the good ole’ “anyone who disagrees with me is a troll” mindset of retail players. It’s hilarious how much it gets under their skin that classic was so successful after they screamed at their lungs for years they would flop if developed.

In this case there is which is why I take that path with those “opposed” to RDF. The best part is, the data available consistently renders their generalizations moot. Though I do admit that it is a bit of a naïve approach sometimes.

Sir I had to take a break from internet at one point because I was basically a man/machine interface for half a decade. I am very aware that people lie constantly both in game and in the real world. Direct insults just aren’t fulfilling for me as an argument tactic.

The delivery is different but yeah, its the same as the others. First post in this thread is me “INB4” their stock replies.

That’s because people hate the idea that some might enjoy the more traditional aspects of the Classic franchise.


Again I’ve seen no evidence that pro rdfers are bothered by wpvp. You’re just pulling this :poop: out of your…

It doesn’t, and I don’t play retail, I play EU and refuse to pay for an extra sub to post on the active forums.

By … advertising in trade chat?

Smaller servers didn’t even have layers, what on EARTH are you blathering about?

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It doesnt though. Flight paths just waste time. You literally cant do anything and is just a 7 minute loading screen. Im not going to see anything new going to the dungeon the 30th time than i did the 3rd. Its a waste of time. Seems like you just have time to waste, another person who isnt productive that values their time in any meaningful manner. My dailies get my out in the world, not dungeons.

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Let me speak in simpler terms for you: permanent layering = massive population cap for full servers. Top guilds on small server transfer to full servers because they have no queues = butterfly effect where smaller servers slowly bleed from people migrating to the biggest servers.

No layering = smaller population cap = queues on full servers = population spread on more servers.

Layering doesn’t affect how many people can be on a server.

I think you really just have to spell it out sometimes.

Layering affects how many people can be on a server comfortably. Layering makes it things that are otherwise deterrents from playing on mega servers are no longer as big of deals. Layering reduces lag, competition for resources, etc.

Do you get what they are saying now? Layering made it so there was no real disadvantage from playing on a mega server.

LOL. A layer literally means when a server reaches full, the excess players get put on a second layer instead of being put in a queue. 2 full layers is double the capacity of a 1 layer full pop server. Allowing additional layers permanently drastically increases the maximum capacity of the server.

First off, no Blooddrunk, layering has 0 effect on server caps, none whatsoever.

Bloomsday has it right, but that’s not a reason for people playing on mega servers.

So dig deep and try to figure out why people are playing on mega servers rather than smaller servers.

I’m sure you can figure it out, particular in this thread.

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