Random Disconnects are Directly Related to Guild Screen

Hey there Jèroy,

I checked into all this, and it looks like there hasn’t been any meaningful movement on it just yet. For bugs like this that have a work around and which affect a lower number of players, they often end up at a lower priority than ones that affect larger amounts of players and have extreme or unavoidable results. I promise this is still on our radar - we talk about it on row at least weekly, but until there’s movement there’s nothing else we can provide for you.

For situations like this, we like to be proactive and give test requests once we hear of updates, so I’d expect us to post back with another reply to you directly once we do hear something has happened. In the mean time, we’re continuing to collect examples. If you find that other officers of your guild have this issue, please direct them to this thread to post. The more examples we have of an issue , the higher a priority we can set an investigation request, which is the best way to speed up our investigation.

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So I am having this issue as well. Whenever I log into my characters and look at the guild roster/communities channels I am immediately disconnected from the game. For the record I have removed all of my addons and this still happens. I am an Officer in my guild and a moderator in the communities and if I can’t promote/demote or make changes it hinders my ability to play the game.
Also once I have been disconnected from a character I can no longer log into that character. It auto kicks if I try to go immediately back in. So then I have to switch to another character and back again. Very inconvenient. I hope my posting about this helps in some way because this is very frustrating.

I am also have serious crashing issues when trying to use my guild logs and communities. Especially when scrolling up in guild chat. This is a pressing issue while im trying to problem solve issues in my guild I keep crashing while going through guild logs. Please fix this. I use guild logs to justify removal for trolling and cant currently do that while crashing.

I created a post earlier today, didn’t see this one before I did, this happens to me as well. I’ve now gone 74mins without a disconnection, as long as I do not have the Guild & Communities open. Blizzard needs to look into this, there are many posts regarding this error 51900319.

Thanks for your reports! I’ve included each of your reports on our tracking. We’re continuing to track this issue and our team has been notified of this issue. We need more examples and reports to push this to a higher priority. If you find that officers or high ranks in the guild is experiencing this issue, please refer them to this post here.

If you have been referred or have run into this problem, please include your character name and realm that are impacted by this issue.

Please note the WoW51900319 error is a generic connection error and is not directly tied to the guild screen disconnection issue.

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I’m an officer in my guild as well. I’m constantly getting the wow 51900319 error if I have the Guild/Community tab open longer then 10 seconds. Then I get locked out till I log over to another toon for 5 mins. Afterward I can log onto my main and as long as I don’t interact with the Guild/Community tab I’m good. It is NOT addon related. I’ve clear cache, WTF folders. disabled all addons and this still occurs. I’ve reported this several times as a bug report and no response. Please fix this.

Some added commentary - The last response I got from BLUE on my thread for the same issue was that they know what the issue is in RETAIL however they have not been able to reproduce the issue on the QA server. They hope to have a fix for this in the next major patch (I think this translates to Shadowlands).

Hey all,

We’ve been able to reproduce this and wanted to bump the thread with that information. Devs are on it. We don’t have an ETA on a fix yet, but thanks to the data we got from the threads on this and some reports from players, we identified some common threads. If we hear anything else, we’ll let you know.

Thanks again for the reports!

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As everyone else has said, I am an officer in my guild and having the guild window open from any amount of time is causing me to disconnect. Even my Officer alts are having the same issue. Other officers in the guild are experiencing this too, ever since 8.3.
Tôidi Tichondrius realm

Hey there,

Thank you for the report, I’ve added your details to the tracking.

It looks like this bug is still being worked on and tracked. I’m afraid beyond that I do not have any new info to provide just yet. Once we get new information on the issue we will update this thread.

Thanks again for the report. Cheers!

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I’m also an officer in my guild and I feel this is only happening to people who are tagged as officers.

Officer in my guild. Me and my GM have similar issues. the other officers do not have this issue.
Open guild panel, get disconnected within a couple seconds, or a couple minutes. Reading gchat is like walking through a minefield. :frowning:

Workaround I’ve been using is the /groster macro bound to my normal guild panel window, and only using the new standardized guild panel for reading guild chat logs.

Any updates? Been 2 months.

Gm of our guild. Having same issue. My officers also experiencing same issue. Game plays stable for hours, open guild pane, sometimes I get 2-3 min sometimes I get 5, but have no doubt I’m getting DC’ed if I leave it open. On very stable fiber connection the only DC’s I have experienced have all been while having guild pane open.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Xarcana - Frequent disconnects

I just started playing wow again, started up my guild, same thing, if I leave the guild window open, I’ll randomly get DC’ed. I can sit for an hour (granted jumping from time to time) without it open and there are no issues.

Also a GM, and I’m having this same issue on all my officer alts. Actually been having it since like… June, but recently decided to check back to see if there was any progress. I’m more than willing to send in any logs/info that would help solve this, but I guess nobody’s actually working on it–at this point I’m just hoping that prepatch will magically fix it. :neutral_face:

Hey all! It’s been awhile and our teams been looking into this along with some other issues that were noticed here. It seems like they did find some issues and fixed some things. Our team hasn’t been able to reproduce this error recently and this being quite the niche issue, we haven’t seen as many reports. Has anyone experienced this problem since?

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I had the problem very badly before (d/c in under 5 minutes), and now it seems to be almost completely fixed–I was able to go for ~an hour without d/c. The original symptoms of significant lag when tabbing back in (even if a d/c didn’t occur) has also disappeared.

If the problem returns in the future, I’ll post here again, but for now, I’m happy and relieved that this has finally been fixed :slight_smile:

Appreciate the update as always, Edeilinna! I hope it’s all clear now, but let us know if any issues come up or if you run into anything new. Thanks again :slight_smile:

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