Random BGs with Friends

If it were allowed, Blizzard would actually allow you to queue with 6+ person premades for random bgs.

Furthermore, Blizzard has already explained why they don’t want extra large premades in random bgs when addons were promoting 6+ person premades in random bgs:

Yes, 5 or less is allowed.

So do the people running in extra large premades. They’re stacking their team and gaining an unfair competitive advantage over the other team.

They don’t notice that their games are roflstomps?

It’s totally ok to get into Discord to play sync queue and drop queue to get into the same random bg? That seems like normal behavior?

If it were explicitly allowed, then Blizzard would allow you to queue with 6+ person premades for random bgs.

Nobody thinks gosh it’s kinda odd that Blizzard expects us to get into Discord to play sync queue and drop queue to get into the same bg?

But you are the ones roflstomping us and smaller premades that abide by the rules: