Random BGs with Friends

That is not now though, is it? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Should be zero for random bgs. You can do rated bgs with organized friends

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yeah its super cringe

especially for epic BGs

theres all these people who sync Q in discord to get around the 5 person limit anyways, and it happens all the time.

at the bery least… they should remove the limit for EPIC bgs

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Pretty Ironic that this thread was created by a player who countdown queues in Random Maps. Tells on themselves in its own thread to boot.
Looks like it does happen after all. :thinking:

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Let me self report. I had a friend I started with, we often queued together for PvP. He invited me into a group and I had no idea what was happening, this was back in wrath when I first started and I hadn’t done much PvP yet. They do the countdown right when I came in and I was wtf is going on. I knew to queue when they reached zero, I should have figured it out. Never happened again. I guess at this point it probably is considered a feature more than a bug.
EDIT: It split the group into 3 parts, when they were discussing it after the queue popped was when I realized what they were doing and dropped group.

I have nothing to hide :dracthyr_shrug:

sue me

Why should it be bannable as opposed to just not possible? Common now.

Abusing mechanics in a way that’s not intended for personal advantage/ruining other players experience has always been bannable

Is it fun to do 10 stacks with your friends and beat any opposing team? Sure

Is it healthy for the game? Absolutely not

Should just give you deserter if you’re specific qing and miss/cancel q

Would be a great way to stop sync q’ers. Would also allow the possibility to track specific people who are specific qing and constantly getting deserter

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I get that. However I would simply argue that it’s silly to change policy to make something bannable when blizzard could just outright prevent it from being possible. It makes no sense to leave the door open but ban people who walk through it compared to just closing the door.

Blizzard has complete and total control. It should also be widely accepted that if something is possible, people will do it. So why ask for something to remain possible, yet advocate for it to be bannable when you can just resolve the issue to begin with by removing the possibility entirely?

Don’t abuse game mechanics to win games, it’s cringe. You know it’s not right and you still do it

Blizzard can’t prevent synced countdown queuing and drop queuing in Discord (or whatever voice app).

To notice that this is happening in-game, it would take a couple of games for Blizzard to identify that these various players might be coordinating. That’s multiple games where an exploitively large premade has already farmed solo pugs and smaller premades.

It would also be just a guess. These players would adamantly deny that they’re doing this and it’s all just a big coincidence. Blizzard can’t definitively prove it unless they send a spy into various Discords.

Since when is queing with friends for pvp “abuse”?

“Sorry dude, we can’t play together anymore cause Degenratebri said we are being abusive and we should feel bad for being so cringy.”

…yeah, that’s not happening.

Like I said, I’m older now. I don’t have time for to sit in rated ques. Neither do many of my friends who have full time jobs, wives, and kids. Your problem shouldn’t be with us. It should be with blizzard.

Until they add systems to respect people’s time more, there isn’t another option. And if it’s allowed, it’s allowed. I agree it’s not good for the game, and can be very toxic. But that’s not the players fault. It’s blizzard’s.

They can’t prevent it. But they are responsible for failing to provide a better option. If they had different brackets like HoTS used to have with partial premade rated BG ques, that would vastly decrease the amount of players even doing premades in randoms.

Without such a system, there isn’t anything else for casual pvp players to do if they want to play with friends or sit in LFG.

If players fly hack because they want to be able to fly in bgs, is Blizzard responsible for failing to provide a better option?

Also, there are options like rated bgs and war games if people truly wanted to stack their teams and face other similarly extra large premades.

Sync qing is abusing the game mechanics. Blizzard allows groups of 5, not 10

First, let’s separate this “premade” thing out. Not all premades are syncing ques. I’d say the vast majority are just groups of 5 or less friends who want to play together.

Those that do use syncing, whether with the aide of external assistance or not, are abusing a loophole. But let’s not pretend the former example is the same as hacking. Hackers know exactly what they are doing. There is no possible veil of “but I thought this would be okay,” type of argument they can make. However in the former premade example, the game explicitly allows that function, without any semblance of indication that you are breaking or even bending any rules whatsoever.

Second, as I stated before, RBG’s require LFG. LFG often takes 30 mins to upwards of an hour to organize and fill, and that’s on top of the que itself once you fill. Myself and many other friends who are older simply DO NOT HAVE TIME for that. We’d like to. I’d LOVE to leave casual BG’s behind and never do them again. But I can’t. When I can play I have maybe 2 hours, 2 or 3 days a week. I’m not wasting half of my time each day just to get into a single game that might fall apart entirely on the first loss.

I don’t want to que random BG’s with my friends any more than you want me doing it. But don’t blame me, when Blizzard is the one holding all the cards. They’ve made such systems for their other games, they could do the same here.

Wargames are also a joke. None of my friends who joined near Legion and BfA even know they exist, and they don’t give any honor or conquest anyways. It also barely even works or has support. Good luck even filling one up and getting it going without wargamehelper.

The point I am trying to make is that instead of villianizing players who create premades as toxic POS people, the community should realize we don’t like it any more than you do. We are not your enemy, at least not all of us. The real problem is Blizzard’s lack of attention to PvP as a whole.

If it were allowed, Blizzard would actually allow you to queue with 6+ person premades for random bgs.

Furthermore, Blizzard has already explained why they don’t want extra large premades in random bgs when addons were promoting 6+ person premades in random bgs:

Yes, 5 or less is allowed.

So do the people running in extra large premades. They’re stacking their team and gaining an unfair competitive advantage over the other team.

They don’t notice that their games are roflstomps?

It’s totally ok to get into Discord to play sync queue and drop queue to get into the same random bg? That seems like normal behavior?

If it were explicitly allowed, then Blizzard would allow you to queue with 6+ person premades for random bgs.

Nobody thinks gosh it’s kinda odd that Blizzard expects us to get into Discord to play sync queue and drop queue to get into the same bg?

But you are the ones roflstomping us and smaller premades that abide by the rules:


You’re about 2 posts behind.

Make all teams > 3 factionless and have the queue alternate alliance horde so if a group countdown times it they end up fighting themselves. This would also allow the larger premade groups to be better matched without significantly affecting queue times.

Nobody was around for when Blizz tried to match make pre made v premade about 10 years ago? As you can tell, it failed with those in the pre made came crying that their queue times were 30+ mins.

Adding increased rewards for groups larger than 5 is a carrot for abusing randoms. Hell theres a few posts about getting gy camped by groups that use add-ons to skirt the larger queue group ‘bans.’