I’m not crying. I just read the funniest justification for being in a premade, and I wanted to point it out
Let us know when Blizzard hits you back.
I will, my man. Just as soon as I’m done imagining this Norway scenario.
“Please papa, join the premades. We need food for the days are long and cold, papa”
Cool story, but it’s not 996 A.D., and no one’s survival is on the line. You didn’t have to join a premade—you chose to. Just call it what it is: abandoning your old stance. Dressing it up as ‘wisdom’ doesn’t make it less contradictory. You sound just like the DK from your group of Bad Solo Gamers.
Almost every single epic BG is now a partial premade, premade, or premade vs premade especially during peak hours. That means that a majority of the epic bgs are now premades and you are the minority. This isn’t my problem, its Blizzard who created this situation and refuses to fix it. In the mean time, I’m going to stay in one of the 12 clans so I don’t get rolled every single game because you know, Blizzard refuses to fix the situation.
almost every single epic BG is now a partial premade, premade, or premade vs premade
Patently untrue. You guys schedule. You play for blocks at a time. I’ve hit my PvP goals this season playing more pug games than games ruined by premades.
Part of trying to keep premades alive is pretending that EBGs are dead, and the only players left in there are in premades or thinking about joining.
I get it—you’re weak and spineless. No one’s buying these weak justifications but you. Just own it instead of trying to feed everyone this nonsense.
You contradict yourself so much it’s exhausting. – Premades have ruined epics! No they’re not ruined they’re fine, I hit my pvp goals this year! Epics are dead and ruined now!!! No, they’re perfectly good, don’t listen to these recruiters! etc lolzz. Its like arguing with a 14 year old girl.
I play 20 - 30 solo epics a day in pug groups also so what? You’re not arguing with a bad that needs to surround himself with premades to win vs pug matches. Save that ish for someone else. At the end of the day, its Blizzards’ problem and they refuse to fix it and there’s nothing else to say. On the weekends and at peak hours, expect to get rolled if you’re not in a premade group to at least have a fighting chance against the other 12 premades during peak hours. It’s that simple.
you contradict yourself so much its exhausting
I’d suggest reading comprehension then. Premades ruin EBGs for newer and casual players – I’m neither. Premades “ruin” my experience in so far as just making me queue at a different time. None of that is a contradiction. You guys are pushing players out of EBGs, but the majority of players sticking around just learn to avoid you.
No, no – you’re not doing 20-30 solo epics a day. You’re a father in a Norwegian valley in 996 A.D. with only a dagger trying to protect your family, remember?
So you’re incapable of following an analogy? I’m guessing you lack logic and critical thinking as well. In fact that’s blatantly obvious at this point.
An analogy meant to make it look like your only option is to join premades to enjoy EBGs? And then saying you’re actually doing super well in EBGs solo because you’re not a “bad”?
So you didn’t actually need to join the premade guild then, right?
You lack so much logic and critical thinking, it’s scary that people like you can serve on juries and vote.
You avoided the questions and went to personal insults. I’ll leave it there
Nice dodge, lol.
If the shoe fits…
You’re right.
If you read all of my comments above (answering this question multiple times and exactly why) and still need to ask this daft question again, then you’re irredeemable.
You made a goofy analogy. Then immediately contradicted that analogy.
Promise me you’ll contact the city you live in and tell them to remove you from the jury duty roster.
You said, “almost every match is a partial premade, premade, or premade vs. premade”
But then said
“I do 20-30 epics a day as a pug against other pugs”
I won’t get into how 20-30 epics per day is insane, but the way you wrote that suggests you can do 20-30 epics a day and not run into premades.