Random bans

Please keep it civil, vappid


If you feel that you were wrongly suspended or banned, then the appropriate action is to appeal it. You can do that via the following link:


But to clear a few things up, bans or account actions are not “random”. Additionally, there is no such thing as a “ban bot”.


Only, there really isn’t. There’s no bot roaming the servers looking to “randomly ban” people. That’s simply not how Blizzard’s account actions work.

Account actions are also not for something that literally just happened. Account actions take time for Blizz to look into before they apply a penalty. I get that you’re upset, but masked profanity will not help and is not allowed on the forums or in-game.


yes extremely upset. its been an on going thing for 3 months.

Then you’ll want to include that in your appeal. Unfortunately, this forum is not a means to have your account action looked into. It’s primarily for players, like you and I, to help point people in the right direction for their issue(s).


I think he’s referring to automated bans? Which wasn’t that all but proven during the classic wotlk pre patch AV ban wave?

I’m not. Nor am I allowed to imply in any way that I am.

I get that. I really do. What I’m trying to explain is that the way the system works is nothing at all like you are imagining it.

Well, there’s really no point. It’s actually considered against the forum rules to discuss account actions. Generally speaking, the CS forums are given a little more latitude with talking about this sort of thing, but it’s not a complaints forum and nobody here can do anything about your account action unfortunately.


Sweet fuzzy bunnies, here we go again.

That wasn’t automated. There was skewed data that the investigations folks were working with. It wasn’t automated, it was still people involved in it. But the data had something that was borked.

[EDIT] Linking the post here to give credence to what I said.


It really doesn’t work that way. And this is exactly why these sorts of threads are generally not allowed.


yeah well when you cant farm cloth to make a measley 15 gold. without getting a ban. its kind of rediculous and borderlines harassment. to think a human being is sitting there saying yeah lets ban him

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Well, if you feel that way, no one is forcing you to play. It’s their game, their rules, their decisions. Ridiculous or not.

You’ve been told how to appeal.

If you keep getting hit with things, you may want to look at your add-ons or any questionable programs you may have on your computer. Blizzard isn’t perfect, they’ve never claimed to be. Mistakes do happen but if you keep getting hit with sanctions, then there is something going on on your end I’d be trying to figure out.


Place in an appeal and go from there.


No, I’m afraid not, Vappid, it doesn’t work like that. The only means to appeal an action is to submit an appeal ticket. I’m sorry if you feel some other outcome will come of this post.

It doesn’t exactly work like that. Our teams look at a lot of things, outside of signs of specific botting and exploitation methods, they look at points of data that determine suspicious behaviors. It sounds like your particular playstyle may fall into those.

Hopefully, during your appeal they can figure out why you were hit again.


i hope so too. if its an addon ill delete it. i use curseforge always seemed safe and in good standings with blizzard. the only addon that isnt publicly spread. and announced by streamers is loon bis tool. which just tells me what is best in slot gear gems and enchants. so its a simmed addon. if that messes with the files it can be deleted easily cool great. but im trying to play. not sit here be told to be silent for 2 weeks. just to be given a free month and another apology letter. without any form of contact. or ways of figuring out how you guys can leave me alone lol! none wants to get bothered by yall man. its always a bad time. or a wonderful time when in a pickle

They wont tell you if its a addon generaly blizzard tends to break addons.


Addons function within the LUA system and therefore if there is an issue with the functionality of a particular addon our Developers are more likely to break that addon than penalize a person using it.


I’d recommend against trolling here Lune.

The OP doesn’t need to buy the game again. They need to appeal the account action. If the appeal is successful, there’s no reason for them to re-purchase.


If you’re so discontent, then it sounds like you’ve already got a new game in mind. Rather than continually posting vitriol and losing your posting privileges - why not go play something you enjoy? You can’t seem to post without fawning over your game of choice and offering nothing constructive to boot. It’s only going to keep getting your posts removed and your privileges revoked.


I’ve used the Loon BiS Tool addon for quite some time and can assure you if you got it from a reliable source IE CurseForge then that is not what got you this ban. I do hope this gets resolved and I understand your frustration. Good luck with your appeal also.