ThEy BaN iN wAvEs!
We’re going to end this here as all this back and forth is entirely unproductive.
I’m afraid overall you may be operating on a bit of bad information, Leafie. Assuming any part of your “response from a GM” isn’t entirely made up for your own narrative, if a GM did at some point state that the email is used by Dev, I do apologize for the confusion.
As most folks might be aware, the hacks email goes to our Hacks team, hence the aptly named address. They are the ones that do the lion’s share of …
“Of course we’d like nothing more than to instantly remove all potential botters, cheaters, exploiters, but that isn’t the reality of the situation. Our goal is always to do what we can to do more than play wack-a-mole, but to better deal with the overall issue. While you are likely not to believe it , our hacks team does have a fairly good success. You have the advantage of a myopic point of view, with a limited view of the whole, where our team has to look at and address a wide array of bots, exploitation and cheating. They may not always be able to get it all, but they do what they can as they are able”
Its absolutely atrocious. I literally met a bot on my druid when I was lvl 20 ish or so and we both ended up meeting in every zone till I was 60. I bet hes still out there killing dragons in feralas. I reported him for weeks and nothing. And i took my sweet time to lvl my druid too. Jesus christ I wish we still had pservers.