Raiding Expectations for the Holiday Season

Y’all will complain about anything :rofl:

Funny how it turned out to be a Horde vs Horde war with the Alliance supporting Saurfang vs Sylvanas and her loyalists.

Thanks I don’t want to be worried about raiding during the holidays!

It was cool to meet you during the Wow Q&A for a brief moment but as per the question i asked I’m a bit bored of the current patch as its been impossible for us to raid mythic due to server size not supporting more mythic guilds than what we already have.

Additionally there isnt any major gear rewards that make clearing the raid more feel rewarding. I honestly miss tier sets and dont care for the current way gearing works. Im down to raiding one night a week if that. the new patch would at least give us some allied races if patch came sooner and raid later.

Edit: For spelling


I have AotC. I dont give two licks about PvP or really pushing keys.

I raid. I level alts. And all my leveling has been put on hold til January with this announcement.

I wanted AR DKs to keep me busy over the holidays, not two more months of FA.


Very disappointed to hear that 8.3 won’t be coming out until 2020. As someone trying to form a raid team for my guild, it’s been difficult trying to recruit when we’re in a content drought, and it’s only going to get worse until 8.3 releases.

I hope they reconsider this, but I know it’s almost guaranteed they won’t.


Would it be possible to Get the Allied Races sooner?
The WoW 15th Anniversary buff would be a welcomed assistance in leveling the New Allied Races, making the game just a little bit more alt Friendly and spread out the work that would be needed to get them ready for the New Content patch.


thanks for the extension! anniversary event was a blast and it looks like you fixed the bugs from yesterday!

happy holidays. hope the staff gets some good family time.! <3

false. its going to come on all gear at some point. people may start out trying to demand that but there is 0 chance of being able to keep that if they want to try to be the best they can be. otherwise they will stonewall themselves. its just math and truth.

At the very least if you have 1 or 2 pieces of corrupt gear and it will not effect the run, you might be invited. If you have so many that it will cause extra mechanics and time to complete, YOU WILL NOT BE INVITED. Experienced players will save their old gear for just such times as these.

I would rather bring someone with less dps and lower gear, than someone that can cause extra headaches for the group and their ilvl is a bit higher.

This is such a basic concept, get your thinking cap on, it is a major and obvious failure.

Good gear with a wipe potential = NO INVITE

Will we be getting the new allied races before then? 2 months of no content seems a bit much


Thank-you for extending the World of Warcraft Anniversary Event until next year. Much appreciated as I don’t need to rush to get everything done now.

Looking forward to 8.3 when it drops next year along with Shadowlands!

I agree with you I’m not gonna resub till the new patch comes out


On the other side of the coin, Blizz devs would also not have to be bothered during the holidays dealing with hotfixes and tuning issues concerning new, live raid content. :wink:

I just wish the races would come before.


There is no reason why the Allied Races can’t be released before so we can get 15% XP Buff.


That is precisely the reason.


Lots of people work during the holidays. You would think they would want to keep people playing a live service game but no one is playing so there is no point!

I Appreciate you not adding the content over the holidays, but can we get some class tuning sooner then… Those of us who play far undertuned classes (ww monk) would love to actually enjoy this raid tier before it geos away. Also Destro and Rogue + Mage in the PvP meta could use some PvP nerfs.

Thanks for letting us test out other games over the holiday break blizz, I mean its likely we will all come back but who knows.

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