Raiding was amazing in SL S4 when they had removed the cap from the start of the season.
More people are “willing to give it a shot” than the current system allows though.
I want to mythic raid, but I can’t because there are only groups on like 3 servers.
More people would do it if it wasn’t gated behind silly restrictions and weekly lockouts.
this is secondary and something that just comes along with going after gear. Raiding has always been 100% about the drops. period, end. (With the caveat that, yes, very few people raid for streams and competitively, but in that case it’s about the real $ from views.)
Remember those videos of people having meltdowns over a ninja looter? If it wasn’t about the gear they would have just shrugged and moved on. But she literally says “i’m going to kill myself right now” because someone ninja looted her ring.
Heh, you put in three caps FAR…but don’t elaborate. Look at all the attempts by others to define what you meant. THIS IS A GOOD TROLL POST!!
I’m truly impressed.
There you go, I fixed it for you.
Well said like the emotionally balanced and reasonable beautiful person that you are. <3
woops you messed it up. dont worry i fixed it back to what’s correct

Please understand that to tons of players, raiding is FAR FAR FAR more than just gear
And so is every other aspect of the game.
Everyone is here to play for fun.
But if players ALSO have fun with something like Mythic+, but the gearing process is so much better than other content they also have fun with, guess which one they’re going to be compelled to do?
Sucks for people who DON’T have fun with both forms of content though, hence a lot of the complaints. Fun + Rewarding will always be preferable to just Fun.

But if players ALSO have fun with something like Mythic+, but the gearing process is so much better than other content they also have fun with, guess which one they’re going to be compelled to do?
that’s different than ignorantly stating an absolute like “M+ invalidates raiding”, which is wrong because not everyone has such a small view on it. However when the OP reads “to tons of players, raiding is FAR FAR FAR more than just gear” in a non-absolute format, that is accurate.
Nah the issue is that raiding offers such bad gear that its not worth the struggle to do it, thats the problem.
The other aspects of doing a raid for just seeing the content is not worth it for the headache that comes from it.
Raid gear should be dropping with an upgrade system via valor just like M+ gear is.
The content is definitely another factor/reason to raid, among others. The raid size requirement for Mythic is among the biggest headaches that I’ve heard.
I’m all for an upgrade system. The one in S4 of Shadowlands was beautiful.
Mythic raiding
There is your first issue, dont even consider mythic raiding actual content in this game, its something that such a vastly small proportion of the game actually ever experiences when at level that its hardly worth considering.
Mythic raiding exists purly for the race to world first, epeen flexing, and thats about it.

I’ve noticed a very narrow-minded view that depends on the false idea that raiding is only about gear. The argument tries to make M+ the culprit for invalidating raiding even though you can run 1000s of keys to farm a single item that can never drop.
Please understand that to tons of players, raiding is FAR FAR FAR more than just gear especially when gear becomes obsolete every few months.
You dont need to justify or explain. If its what you enjoy doing, do it.
Idont expect everyone to understand why I enjoy farming old raids for mogs. I just do.

I’ve noticed a very narrow-minded view that depends on the false idea that raiding is only about gear. The argument tries to make M+ the culprit for invalidating raiding even though you can run 1000s of keys to farm a single item that can never drop.
Please understand that to tons of players, raiding is FAR FAR FAR more than just gear especially when gear becomes obsolete every few months.
If there is a good story to it, i very much enjoy aspects of raiding outside of gearing. The routes and mob grouping always plays a part, too. This applies to dungeons, as well. The ICC dungeons at the end of wrath had a great plot line that all flowed into the next, building to the actual raid. And ToT is probably one of my favorite raids, because the story seemed a bit disjointed from the main narrative, but it was an interesting side note, nonetheless.

If there is a good story to it, i very much enjoy aspects of raiding outside of gearing. The routes and mob grouping always plays a part, too. This applies to dungeons, as well. The ICC dungeons at the end of wrath had a great plot line that all flowed into the next, building to the actual raid. And ToT is probably one of my favorite raids, because the story seemed a bit disjointed from the main narrative, but it was an interesting side note, nonetheless.
I definitely value this. Although I wish Blizzard did a better job of communicating the story through the game. I’ve learned so much about WoW lore outside of the game that has helped me appreciate its content - I can’t help wonder how many people are missing out.
When I was still raiding, that was my social life. It was fun (still can be- even LFR can be fun).
You’re misunderstanding the problem.
The problem isn’t that “raiding is only about gear”. Quite the contrary, raiding has long been one of the worst ways to gear that exists. Raiding isn’t about getting gear, raiding is more usually about NOT getting gear.
The problem is with Blizzard tuning raiding around the assumption that everyone does M+, which makes M+ mandatory.
That started in Nighthold. It never occurred to Blizzard that people would both raid and do M+, so in Emerald Nightmare people waltzed into the raid having already outgeared it by spamming M+.
So in Nighthold, they supertuned the raid so that if you weren’t gearing through M+ first, the raid was overtuned for you. I remember there was even a fatboss video (remember them?) lamenting how, even after you cleared the raid and had it on farm, farm never felt easier because the entire raid was overtuned from the start on the assumption that you were already fully geared.
You used to be able to gear for raiding, by raiding. You can’t do that anymore. That’s the problem. Now in order to spend 2-3 nights raiding every week, you also have to spend 2-3 nights doing M+ every week. It’s turned raiding into a 2nd job and has been causing huge burnout since BfA.

Raiding has always been 100% about the drops. period, end. (With the caveat that, yes, very few people raid for streams and competitively, but in that case it’s about the real $ from views.)
then raiding anything but mythic is a waste of time
speak for yourself