I mean you could just get a job as a data scientist… that’s honestly what my GF does at work.
They are equal amount rng as they’ve always been
It’s both.
If they removed gear from raids do you think it would go over well?
There is also a reason mythic+ is infinitely more popular than challenge modes.
Yeah…not buying that.
Timed dungeons in MoP and WoD with no loot saw very little participation.
Timed dungeons in Legion with loot saw an insane amount of participation.
And you say…time consumption?
I responded to the wrong person @Argorwal, that wasn’t meant for you lol
I honestly forgot dungeon CMs existed
You realize he said M+ vs Challenge modes, not M+ vs raiding.
Challenge modes didn’t take longer than M+ they just didn’t offer rewards people wanted.
NM, saw your new post, all good.

I responded to the wrong person @Argorwal, that wasn’t meant for you lol
I honestly forgot dungeon CMs existed
Lol NP.
And forgetting challenge modes existed I think sums up the point pretty well lol.

They are equal amount rng as they’ve always been
Exactly - too much rng.
I mean… maybe it’s just not the game for you?
This is how wow is and how i like it.
Personally I’d like to see raiding loot changed, have one item that always drops no matter if you’ve done the run or not.
If you have done the run and roll for the item, the game does two hidden rolls for you and picks the lowest, showing that roll to the group.
All the other loot that drops beyond the first item cannot be rolled on unless it’s your first time in the raid this week.
It can also be parsing but the healers get mad.
FF doesn’t loot lock you in normal til you win something (or at all if it’s not the current raid).
That only works though because FF only has 4 bosses per tier, it would be way too much to do that in WoW with our 10+ bosses usually.
I stopped raiding back in wotlk and only started again now.
What is FF?
Final Fantasy XIV
Just pointing out other games do do that, but I don’t think it would work in wow, we have too many bosses
I would definitely still raid even if it never dropped gear. I actually just left a guild because they were just so focussed on gear.
Not saying everyone would stop, but it would drop like crazy
Oh your right. So many people do it just for gear. Me I always raid on just the one character. Don’t care if there is no more loot for me to get. I raid because it’s fun by
I wouldn’t say just for gear.
Like I love raiding, but I wouldn’t do it without reward.

Accessibility alone is always going to make it more popular.
^ this poster gets it.
The major hurdle to raiding is accessibility (whether it’s the time allotment or the required amount of character roles in a raid comp.).
If they dropped Mythic raiding to 10-12 man, I think more people would be willing to give it a shot.
You obviously didnt play or didnt raid at any point before when valor caps were removed. It kills raiding. Every time