Raiding and whats wrong with it

I explained it a post above / below original post that he didn’t give a solution, he just said there was a problem for blizz to figure out and solve. I think i know what that problem is and made this thread for debate.

Dear OP,
You bring up some very good points however, you should have not mentioned a streamer’s name because once people read the name, they used that as a way to invalidate the actual content of your message. Based on many of the responses to this thread, you have proven that the community is indeed toxic.

To the people who say “just find a guild”. Have you ever gone looking for a guild using the resources that Blizzard provides? The “recruitment” forum is a mess and the realm forums are dead. Most of the ingame recruitment posts are outdated and even then you take a risk when you apply to a guild because they use the “puffing” method of advertisement.

When I went looking for an AOTC casual guild on my realm, there were very few and it was very difficult to find people who would recommend any of them, and this was on a large realm. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to find a casual raiding guild on a small realm.

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Basically, raiding sux because it takes the life out of you and is repetitive. We dont need 4 lvls of difficulties in raids. We need 4 different raids that progress nicely without having to be nerfed in to oblivion.


Hiya Kiwi :D, it was on purpose. As nothing is better than saying a controversial thing, then letting people respond in their triggered way proving your entire statement as right. Those who use asmongold as a way to disagree would of found a way to disagree regardless. But by using his name they took the lazy way out, gave no real feed back to disapprove my arguement, and made themselves look like fools while making me look right.


Nothing is wrong with raiding except asmongold saying so. Lol.

Raiding used to be a communal, non-serious thing. Now you have five difficulties that require anal min-maxing and pulling your hair out. Want raiding to “be better?” remove all the difficulties. Just let loot be loot. To be honest though thats contradictory to a time sink which makes blizzard money. If that isn’t a problem, just let things be linear again.


This is a problem for me too. I honestly wish we could just que in and do 1 boss at a time with minimal trash. Just make it so you need to do the same boss on the lower difficulty before you progress up.

I know this would take the fun out of raiding for some (and it should be optional), but I don’t want to learn the whole raid in one go but rather focus on a few bosses a day till I learn the whole raid. (or bail on a PuG forcing them to wait longer while finding a new person to replace me.).

As I’m getting older I just don’t want to waste my time on meaningless things as often that I don’t enjoy, such as waiting around for PuG’s for a small chance at gear I need to drop if we can even kill the boss.

This is probably one of the reasons M+ is so popular compared to raiding. You just need to know the one dungeon and the current affixes and can jump right in quickly. With the addition of valor even players who are more skilled and geared at the time have reasons to do lower keys for loot or currency keeping the wait time for a group pretty low.


You are correct, Blizzard’s sole goal is to create a time sink and this has caused a bulk of the issues. It also has sparked much of the current toxicity within the game. And it is a shame.


There is no incentive for veterans to create more veterans.

Blizzard has made the looting dynamic so hyper tense that players just see other players as obstacles getting in the way of their power trip.

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The issue is the Slime Cat was originally billed as an ANY raid reward, and they waited less than a week to “correct” that.

Also people make huge cry threads about Savage all of the time. People get mad angry that they don’t have access to the dyable version of the gear unless they join a PF, and there are just as many people who say “Just make your own group.” There’s just as many people who have the back and forth around old unobtainable rewards (the 1.0 tattoo, original Gobbue Mount, Feast Rewards). You’re limited to 10 posts a day so there aren’t as many Hot Threads as GD, but I’ve lived in those trenches for years to see it.

The problem with raiding is that it has lost all of the incentive to do it. Why would I dedicate time to a raid team when I can get the gear from M+ in less than half of the time? What is the appeal unless there’s a mount that I personally really like, which hasn’t been the case in years.

They’ve made the loot treadmill a journey akin to walking up a hill made of legos. Of course people get testy with each other when we’re all being snubbed by the guys up top.

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didnt know about the 10 post limit. Also the ff14 forums aren’t as friendly as the people in game, reminded me of the wow forums but worse because they can’t show their true selves in game. so its like all that pent up negativity bursting. But I do thank you for your input, i don’t have a lot of experience with ff14 forums and was quoting asmongold on that part as well.

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Raiding as of now is also so awful because Ion himself said they’ve made sep too hard and they’ve learned their lesson.

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tbh last time i thought a raid would be interesting was siege of orgrimmar. Just because i wanted to kill garrosh real bad and sieging my main city is cool. But in term of difficulty like when i watched asmon do mythic azshara it made me cringe in pain knowing i could never do it let alone any normal gamer. So at that point i shunned all mythic raid content and accepted it as unobtainable and evil.

Edit: I lied, last raid i actually loved just because mechanics and theme and everything really was the zandalari raid, though i hated killing my favorite troll D:

FFXIV forums are the Bizzaro World version of GD. You have unlimited likes but only 10 posts a day.

Also you’re right in that people in-game are held on a tight af leash. I’ve found people to be equally as vitriolic when you pull them aside (discord, trusted LS, etc).

The big difference is that people are way more replaceable in 14, and the gear flows freely. It is as easy to get into a group as it is to be kicked, and you always have an end point you can set a date to. That’s been my experience as to why people end up a lot less testy than WoW.

It feels like people show up to a WoW pug already in a bad mood which just makes any little mistake that much worse.

I suggested to Blizzard years ago and when the “Helper” was announced that they could dramatically increase the reach of these type of systems.

FFXIV has an almost astonishing amount of requirements as a helper and set of rewards.

WoW could very easily encourage veteran players / raid leaders to join LFR/Normal groups with rewards/titles etc. When queueing for LFR/Normal they could have an opt in option of queueing as a RL who could organize stuff for the raid and explain stuff.

It’s a shame they only went very shallow and safe with their approach.

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I know that a lot but not all of the kindness is fake or forced within FF14, but i’d take that any day than what i deal with in WoW. However it is just depressing that humans in general have to be so hostile and rude to each other in game. Nobody see’s the other character as a human being, but an as an obstacle / hinderance.


There’s no question that Blizzard’s resources for finding a guild are pathetic.


People rarely are hostile to anyone in this game, most of the time they would just press decline, and then if the baddies start whispering the group leader, that’s when hostility should be expected.

If you use the mindset of “Nobody owes you anything” in this game and in real life, the world suddenly feels much more welcoming.

As true as that statement is, that exact logic is what makes humanity as well as the world such a cold place. You don’t owe anyone anything and they don’t owe you anything in return. Thus no one feels the need to talk to each other, to help each other, to learn and grow beside one another. You don’t owe them your time, your time is clearly more important than theirs. And accepting this means accepting nothing can be done, thus the more commonly it is to be accepted and for it to worsen.

Yep. And it isn’t just way faster, it’s way easier, too.

People like to talk up +20 keys like they’re a big deal, but some friends and I decided to give it a go a couple months ago and were shocked at how stupidly easy they were. There’s really not much difference between a +15 and a +20.

Yeah, many of us have hundreds of mounts at this point. When I do get a mount (which happens quite often), I ride it around for 2 minutes and then put it away never to be seen again.

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Lol back then, raiding was what everyone and I mean everyone wanted to break into. It was extremely exclusive and ridiculously difficult to get into. Not nearly so today, but the fact remains that raiding has been the biggest draw as far as endgame content is concerned since launch.