Hey all Raider’s Digest is back and lf CE raiders going into dragonflight. Our plan for S4 is to help people push M+ keys and work on the raid composition through the fated raids.
Projected Raid times are Thursday/Saturday 8-11pm CST
Any questions ask here or message Irissss5586 on bnet or whisper myself in game
Hey there, i would be interested in learning more. Just coming off of a break from wow looking to get back into it with the right group of people/guild.
Well Jazzy feel free to message me in game we are always welcoming new members and would be glad to help find out if we are for you or my BTAG is Ryzen#11485
Hello, I would like to know just moved two toons over to the server and am looking for a raiding guild. I currently play ele shaman but can play all 3 specs . I have AOTC on my shaman and 3k IO. I also have a outlaw rogue I can play too.
We would gladly welcome you feel free to reach out and message either myself or Iris in the top message. We love pushing keys and will be doing a lot of it in s4…our raiding would primarily start in DF we might do some in s4