RaiderIO should be banned

No. After replacing oQueue with a crappier tool, destroying the ability for raid groups to complete objectives in WoD, and destroying automatic grouping altogether for WQs, it’s clear Blizzard should stop messing with our grouping tools.

This is 100% false.


This is gonna sound crazy but hear me out on this one: What if you run your own keys?

MIND = BLOWN :exploding_head:


Everyone knows that your own key is off limits? Who do you think you are, Anansi?

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Your perception is not a blanket wisdom, friend.
I’ve seen /kicks, /reports and heard of plenty of bans just from LS chat and those were just from someone posting results in chat, NOT harassing anyone.
Play the game, mate and you might have a clearer view, it’s taken VERY seriously, especially from the player-base

I hadn’t run a single M+ in this entire xpac until a couple weeks ago. Now my group of around 8 people we rotate are doing +7s! It’s been super fun. Get some friends and do the same! We’re not even running “optimal” classes either. I usually run on my resto shaman, and even though it’s really hard, I still enjoy it.

The biggest thing I am continuing to gather is this:

People don’t understand how rIO works.

People want others to carry them through content and no one to ever mention if they play badly and hold back others.

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That’s not how it works.

So you’re just gonna repeat this again? Very redundant and weak complaint.

Raider io isn’t toxic, it’s people not using raider io properly that’s toxic. And item level isn’t a good way to determine if someone is capable or not.

Get gud.

I don’t need to play the game to tell that you’re wrong bro and it’s allowed just as long you don’t harass players about it.
It may be frowned upon in the community but just watch how you treat players with parsers.

what? Stalk?

First… holy necro. second, no. the point is, if someone wants to join a group I’m hosting, I’m going to use the tools available to gauge their ability. Raider IO hasn’t been a thing for very long. Before that, even for M+, I was using wowprogress. Before that it was literally just using armory.

Going back to wrath and BC though, I would have people come to me so I could inspect them. The point is, RIO just makes this process easier.

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One of these isn’t true.

Yet another person who doesn’t like Raider IO who doesn’t understand how it works.

Colour me shocked /s