Raider IO should not be part of the endgame playloop

No sir. Not if you are using it properly.

Looking just at score is stupid, you have to check their main spec and look at a couple runs and if they did the runs with a bunch of 5k io people… They bought it. Takes about 30 seconds to check

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At this point the people who don’t want to work for their IO score (aka OP) and think they deserve it are more toxic than anybody else currently.

It’s ridiculous.


The Raider io website provides routes that you can take when you use it in tandem with the MDT addon. Makes it easier to learn the routes as a tank and eventually know them by heart

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Try it and come crying back to this forum when all the people you invite are under-qualified and trolling your key. Look you can argue this point all you want, but trust me even if the score is debatable the experience and information raiderio provides is invaluable. And the game’s “natural” loop gets evolved upon.


What would that even solve though? The gatekeeping would still be there. Raider IO uses data from Blizzard’s own website.

How is this a problem? Everyone has to start from scratch and work their way up. That’s as fair a way as any other out there. Since when is taking into account your actual current experience a problem?

The reason that i-level doesn’t matter as much is because gear is handed out like candy currently (and corruptions don’t help either). You don’t even have to step foot inside a m+ dungeon or raid yet still have a higher than heroic raid i-level. For that matter, the Raider IO addon shows your highest score you ever got along with your current score. So yes, people do see your experience somewhat.

I mean it matters a little, but what does past experience with outdated content have to do with dealing with current dungeons and affixes that didn’t exist back then? I’ve got CE from Archimonde, which is nice to have, but it doesn’t give me any special insight into the mythic N’Zoth fight.

I always get a tiny giggle from people saying that the game isn’t hard yet they haven’t done any truly hard content recently. You’d know this… how?

What would dungeon tokens do exactly? You already complain that i-level is meaningless, having even more gear thrown at people is only going to exacerbate the issue.

If it’s not IO it WILL be something else. Do you not get that?


What kind of key stone levels do you experience this “gate keeping” I have formed my own groups and geared to 460 with ease now if your trying to get into a 15 with a 300 IO score than yeah it’s not a surprise your not getting let in. People past 12+ want you to have experience and for good reason. mistakes at the higher end are unforgiving.

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Sad but true. People love to invent reasons they feel someone isn’t worthy to do something even if it doesn’t even apply in the slightest. I’ve seen some of the funniest reasons over the years.

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Everytime i see someone complain about Raider io, It is almost always entirely someone with absolutely zero score who is unproven and has next to no mythic+ experience and the fact you don’t post on a main proves your hiding this.

As a player with high end experience that pushes keys when/where i can it is not up to me to…

Gear you
Explain fights to you
Help you understand mechanics
Help you understand affixes
Literally tell you how to do a dungeon you should already know but clearly dont because you’ve got ZERO damn score
Carry you
Or otherwise watch you fail at doing even the most basic things your class is responsible for

I am not here to do any of those and as such raider io is a tool that i can use to weed the vast majority of people who fit into the above catagory out, So please for the love god explain why i would ever want that tool removed, The very tool that makes pugging a pleasent experience because i can weed the bads out from the good?


“hey can I do your heart surgery please? I dissected a frog in biology class!!”

“…no? You have no experience?”

“But I DESERVE to. I have done 100 frog dissections!!!”

“Uhhh, heart surgeries are much harder and more complicated than dissecting frogs… once again you have no experience with this…”

“You GATEKEEPER!!! You are trying to prevent everyone around you from doing things they enjoy. I’m going to the forums to complain about you, wait till everyone hears what you’ve done”

This is what people sound like complaining about io lol. Io score definitely applies and if you think it doesn’t you’ve never done a high key so your opinion will be irrelevant anyways


i get what youre saying and im mostly with you on the underlying point.

but lets be real heart surgery is very different from a social game intended for fun :wink:


Oh definitely was hyperbole haha, just getting the point across :stuck_out_tongue:

I have to agree raiderio is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me! Abolish raiderio and all of its affiliates.

Except when i’m making a group. 2k+ for my +10 ur or no invite scrubs.


So your response to the obvious solution (making your own groups) is that people with Raider IO aren’t going to want to join your group? …so what? Obviously IO doesn’t matter to you, so you should be happy accepting those who do queue up.

No one starts out with a 2k+ IO score. Those people put in the effort themselves (either through PuGs or with a group of friends) and you can too. Stop blaming an addon for whatever problems you may be having just going out and doing it.

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You lost all credibility with this. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

There is an enormous skill gap between top players and casuals. If you can’t acknowledge that, then you’re disgustingly out of touch.

All it comes down to crappy players wanting to get invited and play with better/more experience players, and IO being a way for better/more experienced players to not invite awful players who think they’re good.

Stop making these stupid threads. Go out there, learn, run dungeons and build your IO score up like every one else.


This is getting ridiculous. And I’ve only been back about two months. I took a break during Battle for Dazar Alor. I just came back two months ago, zero io, 400 item level, no guild, maybe one or two friends still playing the game. Was nearly impossible to get into a pug raid, much less keys. I did all the little things I could to get some gear, although it was pretty hopeless for quite some time.

But raiderio? I’m about 2.4k already. You literally buy your biggest dmg right now, so it’s pretty easy to push to around 14 and 15 without good gear. I made my own groups as a dps. I timed my own dungeons. Why? Because I used raiderio to make my groups. I didn’t pick specs that aren’t strong in mythic+. It really isn’t that difficult, and I’m by no means an elite player. I’m just not stupid.
Idk if you’re talking about a warlock, but that’s really a raid class atm. Can it work in +? Of course it can. Anything CAN. But is it optimal? Just simple choices like that lead to success.


And yet the majority of the playerbase can’t find their interrupt buttons but can make a beeline for obvious [insert any :skull:DO NOT STAND HERE OR YOU WILL DIE :skull: effect here].

It’s frustrating to heal paper tanks and people who insist on bathing in the raspberry jam or stacking bursting sky high. Its frustrating to tank when people don’t watch where they’re going or what they target and manageable pulls become wipes. It’s frustrating to dps when mobs are being tanked in the jam and the other two are playing Bejeweled. Why demonize the steps taken to reduce that frustration ever so slightly?

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How many times does this have to be said:
You can’t make people carry you!

Get rid of raider io. Get rid of every possible metric checking system to determine if someone is actually any good or knows the content. I’m not just going to say ‘Awww shucks’ and take the first four bodies that sign up to my key. I and other skillful players will simply withdraw even further from pugging than we already are, and play exclusively with people that we know. Even if you’ve done all the runs necessary to have a huge io score, it won’t help you now, if I haven’t played with you or someone who I know doesn’t vouch for you, you’re not coming to my key.


Mythic+ is a timed environment, so you don’t have time to familiarize yourself with the mechanics at high levels. As such, the best predictor of success is experience.

Sure, you can get by at lower + levels without it, but the higher you get, the more you’re going to need experience to make it through.

At its core, Raider IO is a numerical way to evaluate someone’s experience at doing Mythic+ dungeons. The more difficult of dungeons and better they’ve done in them, the higher the score.

You can debate over how well it measures experience, but when you say it’s worthless, you’re saying experience at Mythic+ is useless in determining how someone is likely to do at Mythic+s.

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You know. I came late to this expansion. I raided a lot and got pretty decent gear, but I had no RaiderIO. When I needed items out of M+, I couldn’t get accepted anywhere.

I realized the solution was to raise my RaiderIO score. It’s not hard to get into a sub-5 M+, so I started doing those.

After awhile, I started making my own groups. It took a couple weeks, but I was able to complete a 15 every week since then.

After 5 or 6 weeks, I’m just now reaching the point that I get accepted into 15+ runs quite a bit. It’s about a 25% acceptance rate, so I’ve been trying to fill the missing 15’s I haven’t timed yet. I’m pretty sure I will have little trouble getting a 15 once my IO gets above 2k.

There is no shortcut except to have your guild or friends carry you through.

Just put in a little work, and have a little patience. You will be pushing keys before you know it.

I do agree with you on one point though. I’m surprised Blizzard hasn’t added its own RaiderIO yet.