Raider IO - Remove it

But even then. That is still leaving other classes out. Like my hunter vs a monk with a shorter kick window.
I can use my kick on cd, but theirs is half the cd if not more. Then you add mages/spriest with even longer kick cds.

Unfortunately there is no real way to measure “skill”, but you can measure general performance with # of timed keys and difficulty pushed.

This hunter is a GREAT example of why io doesn’t work. I was 299, 2500 score in SL S4. I can pump damage even at a lower ilvl because I know how to play my spec very well. At 330, I’ve been out dpsing 360-370’s, but you can’t see this because you can’t adequately measure skill.
Just like the 370 lock I had on my dks key last week, they couldn’t do over 20k dps.
They had some timed runs, not a bad ilvl, so you’d assume you were getting a somewhat competent player.

M+ Score is an official part of the game now, not just an addon, has been since 9.1 …

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whats funny is the casual players would absolutely hate being invited to 13+'s with little to zero experience in high keys, it would bring nothing but grief and repair bills for them, the score is there to show your credentials and if youre qualified to even be in that dungeon not to exclude people from playing at high end

once again M+ is not there to be free loot for people who want to raid, M+ is just as hard as mythic raiding if not harder to time at high levels because they infinitely scale

Gearscore and ilvl/achievement?

Your pve credit report isn’t high enough!

Well, one less m+ addict I reckon.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

How many comments are you going to make about people “necro’ing” old threads, to post about something THEY care about.
YOU and YOUR interests are NOT priority over any one elses.
Thanks, you can go shave your back now!

As many as it takes…

This post was made BEFORE IO was hard coded into the game. Blizzard liked it so much, it’s part of the game now. This thread was dead, gone, no longer relevant, there was zero reason to bring it back, save to troll the masses.

And just as you’ve added your insightful take on posting on a public forum, I can and will continue to add mine. I hope you do the same.