Raider IO - Remove it

I tanked all the way up to key stone master in BFA by only tanking pugs. It was one of the worst experiences of gaming and something I don’t wish upon any other player in the game.

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I’m currently doing that now. I skipped BFA and most of SL.

Well then, I wish you good luck.

Remove Raider IO and something else will just takes its place.

Or Blizzard can just hire some Devs that are competent enough to block the API from these 3rd party addons.


And that’s rio’s fault how?

To block third-party add-ons from accessing an API, you can use a technique called API key authentication. This involves assigning unique codes, called API keys, to specific developers or applications. When an API request is made, the request must include a valid API key. The API server is then configured to only accept requests that include a valid key, which prevents unauthorized parties from accessing the API.

Another method for securing an API is to use a protocol called OAuth (Open Authorization). With OAuth, users can grant specific applications access to their resources without sharing their login credentials. The API server can then be configured to only accept requests from authorized applications.

In addition to these authentication measures, it’s also important to implement other security measures such as encryption to protect the data transmitted via the API. A web application firewall (WAF) can also be used to block malicious traffic and protect the API from attacks.

In summary, there are various ways to block unauthorized access to an API, and the best approach will depend on the specific requirements of the API and the level of security desired. By implementing API key authentication, OAuth, encryption, and a WAF, you can help ensure that your API is secure and only accessible to authorized users and applications. There is no excuse why Blizzard hasn’t blocked it yet.

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the score is in the game tho that’s why this thread was dead

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I can see this depending on how bad the wipes are or general progress.
I’ve only left once key since legion. It was mid SL during halls of atonement. We spent 15 minutes just trying to clear trash to first boss. Tank couldn’t hold threat, healer couldn’t dispell, no one was interrupting but me.
After about 5-6 wipes, I said this isn’t happening and left.

Tbh I wish people could get punished for dipping.
I’ve had tanks leave on first trash pull wipes 30 seconds into the dungeon. Even though, they overpulled and killed us lol.

Sadly groups are pure rng like loot.
If it’s not a premade, it’s luck of the draw.
This hunter, I almost entirely pug’d KSM S3 in SL. It took me 2 weeks, most of my groups were actually really nice. Stayed with some for a few dungeons. It wasn’t until I need my last 2 points for KSM that I ran into issues lol.

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Yea, Blizzard chose to have this instead of removing it from their game and blocking the API for this 3rd party addon.

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Blizzard released the API for that very purpose. lol. I’d say in terms of competence they’re doing quite well with the deployment.

Obviously, but ppl can’t just use the excuse that another addon will take its place if Blizzard blocked it since its on their end.

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if it makes you feel better its not much better with ~400 ilvl and 2000+io :wink:

still gotta apply to ~5 groups to get into 1

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It’s a useful tool. Sure some will abuse it, like people abuse everything else. But nonetheless, it’s still very useful in measuring general knowledge at the very least.

I can trust that someone that has timed a +10 HV vs someone who has timed a +8 has more knowledge.
You also want to know if someone has even run a dungeon. The amount of people that queue for +9/+10s without every running a keystone this season will blow your mind. And you can only see that due to IO.

True, like any game developer, Blizzard must balance the desire to create new and engaging gameplay/addons with the need to prevent players from using those gameplay/addons in a way that ruins the game experience for others. While it is true that some players may try to use any available game mechanics/addons to their advantage, even if it is detrimental to the overall game experience, it is ultimately up to the game developer to design systems that discourage this behavior and create a fair and enjoyable game environment for all players.

In general, it is difficult to completely prevent players from finding ways to abuse game mechanics, and it is often a constant process of monitoring and adjusting systems to maintain balance and fairness in the game. However, by carefully designing systems and implementing appropriate safeguards and consequences for abusive behavior, game developers can help create a positive and enjoyable experience for players. Overall, the blame lies solely on Blizzard for implementing these systems in the first place. The blame can’t solely lie on human characteristics or traits.

The question is, how do you design the system to adequately measure skill/aptitude without being ‘judgmental’?

And this is a great question to ask in situations like this.
If this was your group and you had one spot to fill. Are you going to take the person with zero experience on that character or the person that has done it once?
Are you taking the person with 5 timed runs vs the person with one timed run?
Are you taking the person with an ilvl of 380 or the person with 375?

The answer will usually always be the person either more geared and/or more experience regardless of which side of the debate you are on about how you treat IO.

You can only count content completion as a basis for skill, sadly. I don’t think blizzard is keeping track of playstyle, or amount of kicks per pull, damage per minute, etc.

I’m sure it could be possible to consolidate all this data into such a system but the amount of work musn’t be worth it, if it’s even possible.

That’s the beauty of threads like these…it seems people just don’t realize how many people queue up at a time and just assume they’re not picked because of muh io or ilvl.

3 yr necro. Bravo.


There’s been quite a few necromancers running around lately. Guess they missed halloween.