Raider IO Elitists have perverted the spirit of this game

This is how you pug the right way.

Find a nice spot and fish!

And that’s exactly what it is.

People try to be so nostalgic about making heroic dungeons hard again… when in reality, they weren’t hard for everyone. M+ is the best way to keep dungeons relevant and interesting.

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Muhahah last time I tried to tank it was WOTLK… My tanking caused Cata!


This is pretty accurate … we installed the dam thing as felt its now a force required add on

I think one of the best reasons for Raider IO to be around is because it lets you track your achievements more easily. The Armory doesn’t show me all of the keys I’ve done for some reason and I don’t know if I’m just looking in the wrong place or what.


+2 EoA. List a group and it fills with elite players who want to help you finish your key, because they’re looking for legendaries. Easy 3 chest.
=> +5 Maw. “Yeah, let’s DO that!” Easy 3 chest.
=> +8 Maw. “Yeah, we can DO that again!” Easy 3 chest.
=> +11 Seat. “Sorry about your key.” Lol.