Raider IO 101

My score still hasnt updated. Its been the same since September.

I truly hope you aren’t being serious here and I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume sarcasm is being employed. Otherwise

except you can be near 440 gear when heroic drops 430 gear. Undergeared statement is kinda flawed these days.

Obviously a raid leader can use whatever tool they deem to choose their group for best success and RIO has its place and useful but also played with several that can easily outshine the RIO players that have 1.5K+ io and x/8M in their title

Yeah in my experience it’s been more like undergeared with greens/blues and a sub 400 necklace. So more like a fresh alt looking to get carried - not a semi-undergeared player that can still perform well.

Looking at ilvl parses can help evaluate a good player that may be undergeared.

And yes - lower geared players can definitely outperform people with a high io score - that’s why parses and the raid experience information is great to use in tandem with the io score.

Ok ready say with me

“Blizzard owns my character”

“Blizzard can do whatever they want with my character”

“I am renting my character for 15 bucks a month to play in blizzards world”

Now say it a few more times till it gets in your head

Same with Facebook, you don’t own your page so Facebook can do whatever they want with it

Also - constitutional privacy only applies to the government. It does NOT apply to private corporations.

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I edited the post while you were quoting it if you need to update anything, fyi

Apart from the thousands who do M+ and don’t log, and those who don’t raid. Or the fact the addon is almost never 100% up to date even when working.

Using those 2 are good for players who actually use them correctly, if someone doe not log, you are missing some vital information, information that Blizzard CAN provide, DPS is provided in PVP, why not PVE? And if someone does not update their addon they will be seeing old scores.

This is changing because Congress demands and passes laws to protect the privacy of citizens.
It does not matter who “owns the data”.

These tech companies are being held accountable!

After all, Facebook “owned” all the data, etc. used by the Russian Trolls to elect Trump but this is not getting them off the hook!

Congress, however, is passing laws to bring these companies in line with public good.

Doesn’t mean I have to be obligated to bring those who aren’t as skilled or willing to put forth the effort on their own time to get better.

Most of you in this thread, need to get a grip on yourself and realize there’s nothing wrong with RIO.


I live an Australia, good luck getting your laws to work over here. While privacy is important, by adding laws that are going to effectively control what companies can or cannot do with the data they store on their servers that YOU agree to, it will do nothing more than lose Americans their jobs when said company heads over to Panama and does whatever they want with your data.

These threads have been comically since legion :rofl::rofl:

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OMG!!! You’re SO adorable! I wish I could smush your cheeks!

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Thank You for your kind words and support.

It does not matter. Companies that do business in the U.S. are held accountable.

Blizzard might try to “move their servers to Panama” but they will not escape the law!


Well according to information I found online relating to USA: Data Protection 2019, there is no jurisdiction that the US can use to stop companies transferring personal data outside of the US.

So no need to head to Panama or Brazil, US companies without restrictions can transfer your data from a US server to, anywhere. And than technically it becomes an issue for the holding country to deal with should the data be leaked.

That may change, they may try and change it, but currently there are no restrictions.


completely unsolicited “I have hidden my io, victory is mine!”

everyone else “Do whatever want, I’m not running with you, pretty silly though and a bit useless.”

you “You’ve fallen into my trap!”

backing away slowly “ooooooookkkkkkk”


“We’re just gonna go now
don’t hurt anyone ok?”


Who? You think I care that you hide your io? Why?..

I mean people are gonna call you dumb
if you get off on negative attention then hey whatever works man.

At the end of the day it sounds like hiding your score impacts literally nothing and no one, since you don’t sign up for groups.

As this entire point of conversation is so utterly meaningless, I see no reason to try to persuade you from your delusion that you somehow “gottem” or riled people up on the forums.

You did it! You trolled everyone. You are so mischievous and funny and cool.


Do you seriously not get the difference between:

  • Date of birth
  • Age
  • Credit card number
  • Social security number


  • item level
  • achievements
  • guild tag
  • are you using a tank trinket as an enhance shaman

One is personal information protected under privacy laws. The other is a bad attempt at a troll.

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