Yeah, no. You’re trying to apply principles purposed for safeguarding PID to character data. The .io site cannot pull PID, because it only receives what the Blizzard API gives it, which is character and guild information. This means .io has no access to your actual information, only information about your character.
We’re not talking about Facebook or a company that uses and manipulates your actual real life data. .io has no access to that unless you give it that access.
No, .io has evolved on its own. You’re not some grand crusader, you’re just upset that you cannot stop people from seeing your experience. Or you’re a troll.
No, I have confirmed this with the IO team, you need:
Minimum 200 IO to have your scores show in game
200 IO to show your main IO score
12 hours between updates for your new scores to show
Or pay via Patreon or whatever system they use to have faster updates and less IO requirement
The more you spend, the faster the updates
Right now on an alt my raid encounters in game are showing 2 of each boss kill. Head to the IO page and it shows 4 kills for the first 6 bosses and 3 for the last 2, the same information on my armoury page. That’s a fair bit more time allowed than your supposed 2 days.
Sorry i probably should have specified i’m talking about the in game add-on, it doesn’t matter if you’re scores are up to date, if people haven’t updated their add-on they don’t see your most recent scores.
The website itself is pretty much always accurate though.
I’m mostly talking through personal experience, since i’m sure for people who have been waiting for their score to update ASAP have had the same issue.
I had this happen recently when i was doing my Keystone Master achievement so i could probably use that as an example.
The add-on pushes an update Daily. Their website can take about 12 hours to update a toon unless you manually go to their website and request it to be scanned to update it’s progress. The add-on might update during this time though and not post your recent scores on the recent Add-on update. Most people don’t update their add-on daily unless it tells them that the scores are outdated which is about 3 days.
I guess i made this sound very convoluted.
But the end result is for the average add-on user to see your most recent progress it’ll take 2-3 days because of how the in game add-on works.
They could go to the website and look up your toon which will actually show your most recent progress, but i doubt anyone will bother with that.
Those Minimun requirements to show progress have been in place for a while now though.
in that example by not leading the group.
7/8N is fine to start on heroic.
Just like 800 io is fine to start doing 10s.
People asking for 1200 io for 10s are also looking for free carries most of the time
If you’re just starting to progress into Heroic, then joining that guys group is fine.
But if you’re already progressing into Mythic - and are looking for a speed clear for AP and possible forges, then you can avoid that group.
It’s information that allows you to make a better decision based on your goals.
Also - it’s one thing to be ready for Heroic progression and starting a group; and a complete other to be vastly undergeared leading that kind of group - which is where they carry comes into play; which has been the case for most groups I’ve joined with this kind of raid leader.
Been trying. But with all the bad systems put into place - the guilds I’ve been joining keep falling apart; leaving pugging as my main option.
The essence grind on alts really sucked the life out most people’s motivation to play this tier.
But in general - even with a guild, people’s scheduling conflicts will make pugging one of the only viable options for playing the challenging content in WoW.
The more info you have when pugging - the better the experience can be.
Just an fyi, raider io also shows raid progress, and considering majority use it, if nothing shows, the person may just look you up and verify that achieve.
The best one is when i’m looking for a 16 or so, i sometimes see a 15-16 with people asking for 2k io, like why would i bother with that if i was already 2k? Then you see their score and it’s usually like 1100 or so, which screams carried to even get that key, probably bought. I won’t even bother trying to get in a 16 key unless they are at least 1.5k io anyhow but i think it’s funny lol
Such a simple idea, play the content, get the score from doing the content and getting better at it, score goes up and you get invited into higher keys, gear gets better, experience gets better, become a better player
IO is a measure of experience, sorry no one wants to carry you through your weekly 10 lol
This is a really good point - I completely forgot to mention that you can use the raider io website to review the runs a person has had, and also view the group they ran it with.
So you if see 4 people with 1.5k+ scores running with the guy you’re inspecting, and that person is at say 200 io - there’s a pretty good chance they purchased that run.
So the information then allows you to see PAST the io score and evaluate whether or not someone’s score was purchased or not.