Yeah they also have the lowest drop rate < 1%.
So I hope that means they aren’t adding any new currencies but leaving old stuff as is.
Yeah they also have the lowest drop rate < 1%.
So I hope that means they aren’t adding any new currencies but leaving old stuff as is.
Honest, then why don’t you increase the rewards of drops in keystones past 15? Completing a +20 should feel more rewarding than completing a +15. Raiders get many chances at loot a week versus a M+ player who gets 1 chance at a good piece of loot from the vault. To me that is NOT parallel.
I guess the assumption is that a mythic raider who ONLY did mythic raiding would get on average 1 piece of loot a week, which would be what a M+ player gets, but even still. I don’t agree.
Because they would have to change the whole system, repeatable content shouldn’t drop the highest ilv gear.
I mean in fairness going from heroic to mythic is all or nothing 213 to 226.
Most people also don’t start full clearing mythic raids week 1, some take the entire season.
Mythic raids should ALWAYS give better loot than any 5 man dungeon full stop.
I agree. The age old arguement…If there’s “no difference” then why is there a difference in the first place. /smh raiders always going to give you non-logical arguments.
The blue post is talking about the whole course of a tier, if you only play m+ you are going to end up full mythic geared before the next patch.
Doing multiple content should always give you an advantage in how fast you gear up, but you actually are going to end up with similar ilv.
mount drops will still exist in Shadowlands???
Oh they totally will, my bad for misinterpreting you.
I disagree with you Jolt.
Average-Joe from a Mythic-raiding-guild wouldn’t automatically qualify to compete in really high/challenging keys on the leaderboard. It takes a lot of time and practice with a regular team to beat extremely challenging/high keys on time.
Both take a LOT of commitment to be GREAT at.
Just because its 5 players does not lessen the difficulty or the commitment required to be #1 on that leaderboard.
I do not See It.
So I haven’t played since Heroic…Ulduar in the beginning of BFA. It was clear to me early on that I was not going to enjoy the half-baked systems. So my feedback is from someone who last played on BFA’s introduction without all the garbage essences/corruptions that seem to have empowered so many and teed off even more lol.
+15’s are not easy, unless you’re heroic geared, or at least they were not at the beginning of BFA. So, unless difficulty drastically changed (again, no corruption/essences), I am going to assume they will not be this time around. Unless you’re already running around with heroic gear, I’d say you’ll top out at +10, or at least the average person will.
However, assuming you’re fully heroic geared…why would you spend the time running a half dozen or more +15’s to get one piece of gear that’s on par with the mythic raid content you should be doing? Doesn’t make much sense to me. M+ isn’t a third gearing option if at the top end you get one piece of HC raid gear for the same time it takes to kill 3-4 bosses that would typically net you at least one piece of the same ilvl gear.
This seems to me that you’re (once again?) implementing systems to prevent issues that 0.1% of players experience. This being the prevention of WF raiders from trading loot. For everyone else…this seems like you want to remove motivation to run M+…I’m NOT running a half dozen or more +15’s to only get one piece of loot. At the same time, I do not have the time to run mythic raids. I get not wanting to anger your mythic raiders, but at the end of the day we both pay you the same amount, and I am willing to bet moderate raiders like myself outnumber then drastically.
All this said, will I play SL? Yes, but I have already unsubbed, and likely won’t play past 2020, yet again.
At first, when i see the new expansion was really excited, really excited, the theme was great an all.
But when i start to read some changes in SL… kill all my excitement
Change my class with Holy Power… just read the thread for HPal is a dumpster fire
Change my loot, because I just play in M+
Change the probability for items…
For first time in 10 years, i really fear for the new stuff
I will try this for 1 month, if this isnt the good expansion for first time, will quit
Expect the Great Vault will be the shining star like all this peaple are saying, but just for me seems like i will be equiped in 4 months :c
PD: Sorry for my english, Latinoamerican here xD
Someone else mentioned M+ loot lockouts, that might be a better compromise than lower lvl gear from M+. A +15 in heroic raid gear is gonna be a lot easier than a +15 without heroic raid gear, as opposed to being able to get some of those pieces from M+ exclusively, even if there’s a weekly cap on how many.
Whatever though, to me this system is way better than BfA and I feel far less neglected as a PvPer (thank you for listening and putting vers on the PvP gear!). I think I have more complaints about the borrowed (boring? at this point) power systems than gear progression.
Hopefully this means “we’ve reduced the amount of loot that drops back to what it was prior to titanforging and warforging” and not “We reduced the amount of loot gained lower than it’s ever been in wow” because otherwise basing the loot change on the removal of warforging and titanforging doesn’t make sense.
yes you can. i got a loot with leech couple days ago from halls of atonement m+
First, the last bosses of raids have been offering higher ilevel gear every expansion at least back to WoD. Not all tiers, but it’s definitely been a thing and it’s certainly nothing new … Second, if you were so bothered by mythic raid bosses in BFA and Legion offering higher ilevel gear than from PvP, why are you still playing? According your own logic, you should have unsubbed during Nighthold, LOL … Last, in your actual post, you simply made the argument that someone that also does mythic raiding has more of a gear advantage, you never specificed “last two bosses, ermergherd!!”, in which case, my point still stands, someone who does both will always have advantage.
So yeah, nice try … But you just created a post to be dramatic and you know it.
Ever in WoW is 2 drops for 40 people on content with a weekly lockout. We are a far cry from that.
I mean it’s a great decision if you want to ignore the entire game’s history of raid loot and players originally complaining about having to raid for months just for one drop. Otherwise it’s a bad idea that’ll just push players away
Ok then outside of that Are you making an argument that we should go back to 40m loot?