Raid Tuning Update -- April 26

Oh yeah, i bet player metrics show a different story.

I bet anything you are a DelEtE LfR andy and cannot stand you are stand to see people call for mythic to be delete.

I will go further. I think raid raids should be cut down to maybe 4 bosses and 2 difficulties.


More casual content and revenue for blizzard will increase.

Nah, I don’t care about LFR. I will go even further and say they should add a way for casual players to upgrade a gear set similar to valor point, but you get it from doing casual content.

You fail to understand that gear doesn’t matter. Who care about gear? Big number? Next patch bigger number… no finish line…

People want and care about casual content not your metric of your self worth of… bigger number

they care about

more zones
more battleground
player housing
player customization
better transmog

not big number…

I’m sorry buddy but you don’t speak for every casual player, Im sure we can find a lot of them that do care about gear and bigger numbers, is fun and an integral part of playing an rpg.

We want playerhousing. Enough of this 24/7 raid focus.

DELETE MYTHIC RAIDING!! More Casual content.

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Thanks, my guild was having a hard time progressing on Heroic Anduin last week and they’ve got it down for the most part.

No boss should ever require hundreds of pulls, this is simply not healthy game design. It should be like 20-30 for mythic boss and 10-20 for heroic boss, 1-10 for normal boss, oneshot for LFR.


the loyal, dedicated customers that play for years if not more and buy the expansions and the merch and the Blizzcon tickets are generating much more profits than the flakey casuals who are a dime a dozen.

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Bro we raid less than 6 hours a week… WE ARE THE CASUALS. Most of us are married/dad gamers yet we still push CE/rankings hard.

There are a million ways to play this game. If you want to enjoy your content then go for it, but having mythic raid be hard should be left for those of us who actually do it. We want this content to take a few months to clear and bang our heads against hard bosses.

That’s why there’s so many difficulties… so you can enjoy whichever one your skill level is at or for how much time you have to put into the game.

But you can still play only a few hours a week AND play at a top 1% level.


So lets get this math correct.

You think that less that 5 percent of the player base generates more revenue that the rest? You literally think this? Did you pass math class?

Blizcon?? lol, show me where casuals don’t go to blizcon and also… when was the last blizcon?

Try again

Would be nice if we could get a tuning pass for smaller raid sizes.

What even is the bring deal about player housing? How does that fix any of the problems in the current game. FFXIV housing was added alongside content, not at the cost of content.

The fact people are cheering for the removal of one piece of content to get their own way is hilarious, just how down bad are some of you.


The community wants it… that is all the reason that is needed.

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Aquila non capit muscas.

Awww you afraid to loose you one thing you define yourself by?

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Man, this absolutely destroyed the only hard parts of Halondrus…he’s about to drop to about 300 guilds this week, way over the top.

You guys ignore general class balance but this was a priority…try buffing the underperforming classes/specs, there’s our 10-15% damage as a raid increase; no need to trivialize mechanics.

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They forgot to buff more BM Hunter’s Single Target DPS while the whole Sepulcher fights are mostly AoE.

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Yeah, “Stop whining, cry babies”.
Just as what you elitist jerks said to those casual players.

Tbh, I think some dude doesn’t realize what does 200 pulls mean:
Assume 5mins/per pull, 200 pulls=200x5=1000mins≒16hrs

Players of console/non-online games could clear a whole game during this period of time.
Even if they don’t clear the game, they could still get tons of texts, some interesting lores, funny cutscenes etc.

And stop saying “those contents aren’t meant for you casuals”, even for pfu players they could still have better things to do. If they spend 16 hrs in soul games, I’m quite sure that they could handle most bosses properly and make some nice “no damage” videos. If they spend 16 hrs in FTG or FPS, they could also achieve meaningful progress, such as getting a deeper understand of a couple of characters or maps.

And for our “god chosen” wow players, what would they get?
Just starring at a crab/SC dragoon thing for the eternity and the next second found themselves all dead on the ground just because they/their team mates didn’t deal with those bombs properly.

In a common sense, ppl would rather choose to spend their 16 hrs in a different game or even in other activities than gaming. And that would creat some really big holes in Blizzard’s wallet, and further more those elite jerks who preying on casuals would not be able to pay enough to fill the holes, even if they keep boasting that they “contributed most to the game”

Not mentioning those shadowy rmt behind the WF race. And half of the guilds in “hall of fame” are simply booster communities. Yeah, just search those guild names in Chinese Taobao app.

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you’ve never killed it.