Raid Tuning Update -- April 26

Which is exactly the point, I have been progging it and I’d like to kill it at or close to it’s current difficulty; I know it’s shocking, but a lot of players actually enjoy the challenges and getting better at them/the game to accomplish something, we don’t raid to open loot pinatas and smile on our mounts.

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It’s going to be significantly more than 300, anyone who kills Lihuvim kills Halondrus in 10 pulls.

Yes, but why are you crying for the removal of one form of content that you don’t like for something that is barely considered content instead of just cheering for the addition of housing alongside content?

You anti-mythic trolls are just something else.

There is no worse feeling in WoW than getting close to killing a boss you’ve been progging on then having it removed from the game essentially with nerfs. This boss has legitimately been hit with the biggest nerfs I’ve ever seen for a boss ever.

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lol they are not too hard, you just want content that you can steamroll.

This is great… but has no effect on me lol.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with the short story you just wrote in your post? Trying to dictate what people should be doing with their spare time? I read your comment twice and that’s basically all I’m getting from it.

Those time spent working on bosses on progression is the only enjoyable part of a new raid, nobody enjoys killing a boss on farm for months. Castle Nathria and Sanctum of Domination were universally panned from raiders for being a three and two boss raid with Sludgefist/SLG and Sire then Painsmith and Sylvanas (barely).

Having a raid that is tuned more difficultly allows us to spend more time doing progression and less time doing farm, which is what a lot of raiders prefer.

But yeah i guess thanks for trying to explain what i should do with me time i suppose?

Who is “us”? I would prefer to be able to clear the raid as fast as possible and then enjoy farming it till next patch, than bashing my head against the wall for a months. Bosses that doesn’t fall fast enough and require hundreds of wipes only create unhealthy situation in many guilds, leading to players quitting, guilds disbanding and so on…

He is CLEARLY trolling.

Actually most guilds that run into bosses that require hundreds of pulls to kill and finally defeat it will chase the dragon of overcoming a hurdle in other parts of the game until a new raid comes out.

Killing a boss in 10 pulls is awful considering we wait 9 months to do 10 bosses. Man there sure are some hot fire takes coming out from people on unleveled alts hiding in this thread.

Keep em coming.

Because that content has taken away from the rest of the game and people that run that content think they are entitled to the casuals money

Participation in high end raiding is extremely low, but the game would lose something very niche and special to WoW if it didn’t exist. There really aren’t any games that give you a large scale raiding experience that WoW does.

FFXI hard modes are 8 man. Lost Ark’s are even less. Much like WoW arena there would be no other place people could go for that content. I hope WoW always has mythic level raiding.

I say this as someone who has never done and probably never will been in a mythic raid.

I have literally the perfect solution for Blizzard.

Add the NPC that reverts the nerf that only the raid lead can talk to and activate.

Then all the no life tryhards can have their harder mode and can feel like the most special of snowflakes when they kill it while the rest can have the appropriate challenge and move on.

Or maybe the tryhards should band together and make their own game since they seem to think there is enough of them to justify existing. A game for elites built by elites. This is a new and totally original idea that no other game ever tried and failed miserably at.

Then people running those activities should pay a higher sub. It sucks resources from the rest of the game.

Look at your friends list, look at the population of capital cities.

Please nerf all bosses to the point they fall over at the sheer sight of my epicness.

Thanks in advance.


you mean the content (raid) that has been in the game since day 0?

In other words, Ion’s guild isn’t making progress on Anduin

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Actually they just got to Halondrus, which makes the timing of these nerfs even funnier.

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Crab boss

Find a Jimmy kill a jimmy

Having mythic appeal to more players and guilds is better than keeping it “fun” for a small minority of raiders.

More guilds having access to mythic is better for the game. Ours will barely be stepping into mythic, and seeing all the nerfs just gives me hope we’ll get to see some later bosses.
I couldn’t care less if the top X% of players think it’s too easy now, because it will still be fun for us.
Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of players who feel the same.

No… no it’s not. Not even CLOSE to the same thing and you know it. 8 ilvls doesn’t make NEARLY the difference 4 piece makes.

It’s closer to 25-30 ilvls over where you should be to start normal.