Raid story mode?

Who cares why, they want to try a feature implemented in the game.
LFR decent loot? if the gods smile on you, you may get something. Maybe,
i never do.

So its

Our chance to strike → The beginning of the end → A spy like us → defense of the people/make the prey->A shot at the top-> To kill a queen

To kill a queen is the quest that opens story mode

Ok. So I just need to find how to do story mode. Guess just try to zone in

when you are on to kill a queen there will be a mob highlighted a bit left and down of the raid when looking at it, you to talk him

Found the dude. He’s marked on the map to the east little of the raid enterance.

I thought this was a much bigger thing than it was. It was just one fight. sigh.

A significantly watered-down version of the fight at that. Which makes sense since NPCs can’t really do what players can, but after seeing normal it was interesting to see just how much got cut out of story mode. Not to mention the NPCs like to hover near you, and it was rather unsettling as a caster to have Ansurek keep getting dragged into melee range lol

People talk in LFR?

Idk that cutscene was honestly one of the better end raid cinematics.

Thats how you build up an antagonist. I still remember the return of the king… i mean nzoth cinematic lol. Terrible.