Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

NO! I do not like this system. its over complicated and has to many restrictions that we all know you will impliment. This system also favors the highest end guilds and will only seperate them even farther. The system now rewards them enough already. this system will only make the disparage greater.

I have raided long enough to recognize these systems already. its just doing all the things we have already done before. in bfa we have near raid quality items that we could upgrade to once we get a certain currency. its that exact same thing. and we all know that you will only be able to upgrade one or two items you will not be able to upgrade all your loot as you go up.

I do not like any of this. The vendors are half-butt and restricted. You all are not listening. you are implementing restrictions and more barriers and over complicated systems. its just too much

KISS-Keep it simple stupid


They went to a great deal of effort to create this system of rewards and upgrades, with lots of restrictions that mean it will hardly affect anyone and even most of those will get less benefit than they had hoped.

That’s how vendors are now. That’s how band-aid fixes work. If you never met a system you didn’t like, you’re probably really happy. You probably love the valor system that requires you to get an increasing amount of effort into getting the same ksm achievement each patch, by which time you don’t need the upgrades.

Call it whatever you feel the need to. I personally don’t think anybody who was asking for any sort of gear vendor or bad luck protection was thinking of something this convoluted. But if you like convoluted systems, you’re probably in heaven.


I agree but this is a post-story content patch meant entirely to satiate players until dragon flight so who cares

Easiest yes.

Lamest also yes.

I would much rather it be the main gearing scheme. The 1-2 pieces that drop from the raid are at best a bonus.

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Solves the issue of having to clear heroic, normal and mythic for the 1st 2-3 weeks to be optimal.

Yeah, well, it does a pretty poor job of that. lol


Mythic+ is super over rewarding on the low end and super under rewarding on the high end.

I feel like the entire thing just needs a step change to the right.

278 should be for 20s not 15s

Maybe even some 285 for 26s or so.

A player should look at a mythic+ key and a mid level mythic boss and say to themselves they have a close to the same chance of success on both for 278.

That is so extremely far from how the game works it’s silly.

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you are so confusing

“Super under rewarding on the high end”
“So lets make it EVEN LESS rewarding on the hgih end by making you need to do 20’s for 278 instead of 15”

first you want them to screw fury, but you also want them to fix it, now M+?


Would you be preferred they didn’t talk about it like they used to do?

That’s how old Blizzard handled things, and maybe it was better that way who knows.

Heh, yeh… The Dragonflight reveal was all about how they want to change things to be more fun and interesting, meanwhile we’re stuck in the Shadowlands. Where we know there is potential fun on the horizon, but in the meantime we have prolly a year of all the same things we have been doing and are tired of before we can get to em. :frowning:

I don’t agree with a 4th season at all, but since they’re going with that route it should have just been fun. Loosen up all the restrictions, and let players go ham. It sucks running the same treadmill we already hated for even more months, when we can see a small promise of hope on the distant horizon. :frowning:


It’s unrewarding at the high end (~25 keys) where very high keys give nothing.

It’s super over rewarding on the low (<=15) end giving 278. 2-15 is low end not high end.

I replied about the fury warrior thing it was more miss wording, I DONT want fury to get screwed even if that spec gets some weird special treatment

Blizzard, you guys are making even your baby steps toward gearing changes needlessly complicated and extremely frustrating. You know these artificial timegating things NEVER work in your favor (hello, conduit energy!) and doing all this again with existing content (and nothing new) is just going to add to the WoW fatigue so many of us feel.

You have a golden opportunity here to reinvent gear completely, in the way your players ACTUALLY want: a token system, like the Justice badges of yore. Different amounts of such a token from different methods of play… raiders and M+ folks get them faster, open world people for whom the game is entirely a solo experience, a bit slower. But everyone can work toward the same goal, not just the dwindling number of people who deign to do group content.

Do you want people to play this game the way THEY want to play, or play the game doing just the couple of things you provide at endgame? You guys really need to stop dallying in this systems-upon-systems approach and REALLY solve the gear problem. People are flocking to FFXIV’s endgame because EVERYTHING they do contributes toward the currency they need to get the gear they want, making everyone happy… and they still provide limited upgradability for those who step into the hardest content. Everyone wins there, doing not only new content but existing content, over and over. What are the devs of that game seeing that you aren’t?

Players have for YEARS told you the same things: The vault and RNG feels very bad. Being forced into content to enjoy the game sucks. And something like Badges of Justice are what people want to see in future. So, why are players seeing this and the developers aren’t?

Do right by us. Stop complicating things. Simplify. Streamline. Make it FUN, not just a statistic. That’s what we really want.


So… yeah it’s exactly what I thought it was… even more frustrating and grindy than initially stated. Whelp it was a nice idea until they ruined it.


A side question about this: will the catalyst still function on fated items from raid or S4 M+ items?

This is five times as complicated as the WoTLK badge gear system. Look at the size of this blue post, buddy.


Did you even bother to read my post? It is not unreasonable to get 1 to 2 pieces of gear per week.

I would also like to add that 278 gear for season 4 is not even worth it. People are getting ilvl 278 gear out of their vaults right now and by the time season 4 starts, even those who buy boosts will have that gear level.

In order to get people to actually raid, Blizzard is going to have to raise the reward ilvl higher than what it is right now (272 for heroic; 278 for M15).

Based on how they raised it from season 2 to season 3, the raids in season 4 should drop an ilvl of 298.

Now does their 60 boss grind for 3 pieces of 278 gear sound exciting?

If it does, I also have a bridge to sell you.


And gear that will just be replaced in 6-8 months with greens anyway. What’s the point? This is Blizzard once again thinking gear is the only thing people play for. Sigh.


I think it’s that way so you can then upgrade it to heroic (293) or mythic (306) through the upgrade system they discussed.

Because it’s not based on difficulty, only boss kills.

I am very happy to see experimentation with a system like this. Not getting a certain trinket or weapon because of luck definitely feels awful. I know the number of 3 tokens is not finalized, however I just wanted to be clear about one way 3 tokens could be too low. I myself love playing classes that can perform multiple roles, because it is nice to mix it up every now and then. While I think 3 tokens is totally fine for one spec, I am concerned about how that will feel for certain classes that can perform 3 roles. Take Paladin for example, that class will desire 3 different weapons and 3 different sets of trinkets. I don’t know if the answer is just adding an additional token or maybe having a main stat/role specific token. I just forsee classes that multi-role, specifically ones that can do all 3 roles, being hindered unnecessarily. Thank you so much for everything you have done this far!

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