I assure you it’s less than if a rogue, enh, or fury only had 1 weapon. And DW vs 2H is only like a ~2% difference for monks.
This is probably half of the problem, and easily 70% of the game’s problem for years now. They don’t design a system to be fun AND rewarding. Any system. We’re at the end of arguably the worst expansion in WoW’s history, and they STILL can’t stop one-upping themselves with poor decisions. Just let us get some cool stuff and go nuts. It’s not that hard.
Just give us a weekly quest to kill X amount of raid/M+ season 4 bosses that would award a single coin. Let us complete it every week. Don’t limit the coins.
So when does this start?
Please don’t say “Season 4” or “Soon™”.
I have a major concern about this season 4 set up. This might only impact a small group or maybe the niche is bigger than I think. I raid with a group of friends that never reaches 20 to do mythic raid. We are on different servers which doesn’t help. Pugging a mythic lockout is really terrible since if one person leaves the lockout is pretty much ruined. For these reasons, we stick to Heroic raid and I am perfectly happy about it. I am also not asking for mythic raiding gear without doing that content.
The issue I have is that very quickly M+ gear will be better than anything that drops from heroic raid. This has happened the last 2 seasons for my group. I can see no reason to farm raids that have already been cleared in prior seasons going into season 4 since the loot will not have any purpose. Of course if I was to do the content on mythic difficulty then the content would be worth doing. However, for the reasons above this is not possible. Is there any way to make the raid content relevant on Heroic difficulty or change the myhtic lockout so it can be pugged? I really prefer raiding over M+.
Again, this might only be an issue for a small group of the player base in a similar situation. If that is the case then this seems like it will make most players happy.
“Make fury warriors not get screwed by this”
“Make 2h weapons cost 2 coins”
So you want them to screw fury warriors, but also NOT screw fury warriors?
Actually the first step would be marketing research, before spending resources to develop a complex program like this. But they like taking risks, and don’t see possible failure with loss of customers as anything to be concerned about.
Because “experimenting” on your paying customers is a horrible way to treat them. If you welcome “experiments”, how did you like how that “experiment” in PvP gearing turned out? You know, where they decided to re-implement a failed gearing system rejected by devs in the past as bad for the game, then decided to stick with it to see if they did more of the same they might get a different result.
And the result was a massive drop in participation at all levels.
Every time I think the devs are listening, I’m reminded that they enjoy things that are overdesigned and underdeliver. As well as time gating to the Nth degree. While it’s true you shouldn’t expect to get all your items in one week, it’s ridiculous how long you’re expected to take to get the things you want. And instead of implementing a simple bad luck protection system, it has to be a convoluted mess that doesn’t actually solve the problem.
The only part of this Season 4 that I like is the idea of going back to the previous raids in the expac, and getting bonuses for doing so. That actually makes all of the expansion content relevant, instead of discarding it as soon as a new patch comes. But even then it’s such a bloated mess of systems. It just isn’t fun or rewarding, which should be the prime reason for anything they create. This is the result of developers who are more in love with the “ideas” than the actual outcome.
Unfortunately we still have the rest of Season 3 before we get to it. They could cut that short, but seasons this expac have been super long. If we go by average length so far, we will have a few months of Season 3 left, and then 7-8 months of Season 4.
Waiting for Dragonflight is gonna be… unpleasant.
I’m baffled by this too. After so many years of developing the game they still have problems understanding loot distribution?
I can only think that what’s really going on is they’re trying to figure out how to insert an artificial player engagement metric to what they know players really want.
Yeah I know fury needs special treatment to not get screwed. I don’t know how to word it.
The 2 coins for 2h and 1 coin for each 1h works for 35 out of 36 specs.
Somehow it needs a special thing for Fury warriors.
This is probably exactly what their plan is.
I outlined the same problem from a different perspective in my post. I suspect this affects a lot of people: the restrictions to mythic raiding isn’t the difficulty, it’s organization.
Blizzard “experimenting” on raid type stuff every expansion was their normal until Legion.
Vanilla - 40 and 20 man different raids
TBC - 25 and 10 man different raids
Wrath - 25 and 10 man same raids, multiple difficulties, different loot.
Cata - 25 and 10 man same loot, LFR
MoP - flex
WoD - 20 man mythic, flex extended to heroic and LFR.
Does anybody remember how we were told way back when that the covenant system was so convoluted and difficult to understand that nobody would get rejected for making wrong choices because nobody would be able to figure out what was the best way to do things?
Does anybody still believe that when they said “No systems in DF” that they were telling the truth, after seeing this?
I mean, there is always going to be systems. Whether they are good systems or not is usually another story.

“Respectively” makes me think they’re 2 different items. Which makes sense - you gotta do the content for the rewards at that level.
That would make sense if that were true for mythic+ too–but it isn’t. You can get an item on a +2 and keep doing +2s long enough to get the valor to get it to max ilevel (max ilevel of drops, not the weekly chest).
Blizzard better figure out how to not be so stingy with loot or there’s going to be another tick mark on the bad expac count list.
Doesn’t apply to me but just wanted to say thanks for being vocal about the changes personally and having a water cooler moment of sorts here on GD.
The ideas look to be nice ones that go in a good direction.
I like that Season 4 and in general that you all there have gotten more freedom to try things. It makes you all more human, relatable and gives some neat insight on what your thinking is and where it is at.
More of this
Much like spending Valor early in the season, I don’t feel like it’s good if I’m just constantly holding onto an item/resource. I actively avoid spending Valor on gear unless it’s BiS or something I won’t replace for a very long time.
I did not upgrade my 262 Weapon to 272 from M+ because I didn’t like the stats and it was a huge investment. Likewise, if I buy Daggers on a rogue, then I get the Daggers a week or two later, I feel like I’ve wasted 1/3 tokens. Hence buyer’s remorse.
I would prefer a system that doesn’t explicitly punish me for good luck.