Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

And again, he would be wrong. Those things were one boss and done. Literally a 10 minute kill as oppose to I don’t know, maybe 2 hours for a well geared group to finish all bosses.


Blizzard, I just have to say, I think you’re going about this all wrong. Those of us who do not wish to raid, do not have the time to raid, or have disabilities that keep us from raiding are fine with the STATS we get on gear from quests, dailies and weeklies. They get the job done. That was never an issue. It’s that we want access to the same transmogs. Here are a few suggestions you could implement instead of this weird idea.

  1. Make end gear from all aspects of the game give the same look, PvE, PvP, solo, raid… all of it.

  2. Seperate gear stats and appearances. Give all items a boring-butt base look and let the transmogs be purchasable by rep/coin/token, etc…

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You don’t think there’s going to be communities that help get people the slime cat? You think Kaivax is wrong about that?

I think he will be wrong about it/there wont be a large pool of said community.

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There will be infinetly more selling it than there will be giving it away.

How many ksm/3k/portal/aotc communities are there giving it away vs selling it?

Yes, this is why people are complaining!!!
They’re saying they’re going to change these requirements :

(by the way, this is not a screenshot from PTR, it’s from the live servers)



I’m not the one who used that as an excuse and I think it’s BS. I’m in a group that gets AOTC every Tier and just runs ONE night a week for 3 hours and most of the players in that group play less than 6 hours total a week.

yeah i agree with you on the size of the pool…i think most people are just going to easily beat it on normal without any issues…Friendship moose was actually kind of difficult since it was heroic Archimonde…big difference, so there probably will be less interest for carries :100:

dunno, but if someone has to pay for a normal carry, i’m going to make a lot of gold next week… :100:

The original Friendship communities are still struggling to get raiders for Friendship Crab carries. ARD had to cancel their friendship crabs due to lack of raiders. Perky Pugs is STILL trying to get enough interest from raiders to help do carrys. So no, I don’t think there will be “Friendship Slime Cats”


There are Friendship Crab groups already. Friendship mount groups are single boss lockouts for the final boss of the final raid in the expansion.

The idea that there will be Friendship 31-boss carry groups is absurd.


The top “Friendship” groups that carry people are struggling to get raiders for Crab carrys. What groups are you in that is already doing this?


Someone else mentioned it before but lets say hypothetically a group can carry 15 people in a 30 man group.

With the current achievement layout that is 31 bosses for a single player to get the Slime cat. The way Friendship moose usually worked is someone had a save to the last boss and it was repeatedly used. For the example below assume roughly the same amount of time to kill any given boss.

31 Bosses —> 15 players = 15 Slime Cats

Now with Friendship Moose type stuff it looks more like this

1 Boss —> 15 Players = 15 Slime cats

Now take it together:

1 boss —> 15 Players * 31 runs = 465 Slime Cats

With the Same effort to get 15 slime cats (roughly speaking) you would usually get 465 of them.

If ANYONE honestly believes that this is the same as Friendship Moose for the amount of time investment that will be required they are deluding themselves. That fact that a Blue Post mentioned seeing the return of Friendship Moose when these arent even the same amount of effort to get is insane.


yeah now that i think about it, the friendship moose was a different dynamic…what i think Kaivax was saying is that he was hoping to see more communities like that. blizz can’t control what we do at the end of the day.

Which is a positive thing - they need to incentivize more community building…isn’t that also what player housing’s goal is?

Anyway, I believe that Carries have destroyed those older “Friendship” groups…and with the amount of time for S4, i doubt there will be many of these communities at all.

Guess you just have to join a group or guild huh?

But what they are infact incentivising is boosting/carries for gold. Gold that can be bought via a token that generates more profit.


if you aren’t good enough to do this on normal difficulty - then you need to pay for it…sounds fair to me. :100:

WoW token gold is just as good as any :eyes:

Pretty sure the charge rate for this isn’t going to be feasible for most people who aren’t sitting on gold cap.

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Weird. The Guardian tank is the only LFR I’ve been in that got salty and that was back in S2 near the end of the season when everyone knew the fight. This season people got a little frustrated on that 9-man jailer because it had a couple failed pulls but not too big a deal.

Can we invest our time and mental energy into literally anything more important than the green slime cat?


Its so sad to say you are correct, not because I dislike your opinion but because none of this needed to be an issue in the first place.

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Pretty much any group content can be boosted. Unless you think group content shouldn’t have any rewards just because some people — who couldn’t ordinarily complete the content — will pay to get those rewards, it’s a silly argument.

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