Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

It’s a weapon and 2 trinkets. Everything else will have multiple redundant loot options.

Three is fine. And I say this as a dual-wielder who needs 2 weapons.

Remember that most of the best weapons and trinkets will continue to come from M+, as well.

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Would this assume the badge gear would be the same as the actual raid/dungeon loot tables and not trash items like they’ve historically been?

So your saying DF end of 2022? wink wink

the system and the ideia are wonderful, but the restriction to only have 3 buys is a outrageous.

most specs have at least a 2 bis items that go away insta, and some others like hunter have even 5 items u need

rogue’s need 2 daggers
hunter’s bow
alot of two one handers need 2 veinrippers

and i’m only counting the weapons, if u put on the count the trinkets lmao


Because they really don’t think this is a solid idea, per their wording. The message sounds like they’re doing this so begrudgingly.

Of course it’ll take 500 hoops to jump through. Getting items must require chunks of your soul, or just … super RNG.


Stupid. I actually thought you guys were going to do something good.
We should be able to earn 1 a week, period.

Look at FF14 gear vendors. Copy/paste… It’s not hard.


Yeah, and appropriately priced as well. I agree it would be stupid to put out gear that’s normal or less than M10 quality.

I firmly believe that it’s the better system, than the multiple ones we have going now.

That’s exactly what I thought this would be, alas!


Its just i feel like after so many years of running the game, they should already know what players really want.


Not likely, just this Fated raid stuff won’t last a full raid cycle, cause why would it.

It’s still filler, but still shorter than a year.

There is no reason at all for you to have a 3 item limit on the vendor especially at the end of this expansion. Just stop with these arbitrary limitations on people. Arbitrary limitations is why Shadowlands flopped as bad as it did. Why are we not learning?

What’s going to happen with this is 1 of 2 pathways
1 - People get their 3 items and quit because slot machine RNG is not fun.
2 - People realize how long it will take to get said 3 items because of a currency cost and will quit.

Either one results in this experiment flopping.


because there’s no better way than to experiment? and this is obviously a welcome “experiment” idk why wow community always negative

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With Blizzard, we expect nothing, but we are still left disappointed. This is yet another one of those cases. They took what could have been a half decent idea and just…threw it into a meat grinder because reasons I guess?


It’s a weapon and 2 trinkets, which are the important slots where you’ll want a specific piece. Everything else will have multiple redundant loot options since each raid has multiple belts, boots, necks, rings, etc.

Three is fine. And I say this as a dual-wielder who needs 2 weapons.

Remember that most of the best weapons and trinkets will continue to come from M+, as well.

Don’t do this

This… doesn’t give me hope that we’re going to see Dragonflight before like, 2024. -_-

I know I am in the minority, but the whole Season 4 thing just sounds dreadful. We’ve been running these raids over and over again for years already. Season 3 still has months in it, and Season 4 will prolly be another 6-8 months. I will admit that the Slime Cat is kinda cool, but otherwise the idea of doing the same content we’ve already done way too much of just for the same gear we already have but at a higher ilvl, just does not sound fun. :frowning:

I do appreciate that you guys are trying something new, and honestly it prolly wouldn’t have been so bad if you had used older expansion’s raids, or if the seasons themselves were not so overly long already. :frowning:


you know more systems sounds great and all but why don’t they just try raising the drop rates?


It’s like someone gets a good idea and then it just gets beat down until it’s practically unrecognizable… then someone else is like “Yea! That version is the one we’ll implement. Perfect GG”.

Me: Thanks I hate it :unamused:


have they clarified the great vault pool for M+ items in S4? will it just be the existing pool or only the items from the 8 S4 dungeons?

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If this is them trying to be better, I’m not too hopeful about the next expansion. Not that I had much hope to begin with.


Yep, every solution to their self created problems is another system which brings more problems which brings more systems, all of which have more currencies attached. They never learn. Never.