since when have we started considering gear vendors systems? Man you must have hated wotlk cause every raid introduced a couple new “systems”
Deterministic Loot is totally worth it.
It’s just 2 currencies. One to buy 3 things with, and another to upgrade items with.
It’s not that complicated and overall an insanely good addition.
This feels like the 1st true experimental season in SL…
Ok, here’s a TLDR:
- You get 3 magic coins to buy Normal-quality raid gear in season 4. You cannot get additional coins past the 3.
- Heroic & Mythic bosses drop magic powder and if you get enough, you can upgrade your magic-coin-purchased 3 pieces of gear to Heroic or Mythic quality, by using Heroic or Mythic quality magic powder.
Clear enough for you?
Definitely liking what I see. I feel 3 seasonal tokens is too little. The one thing I hate more than grinding for a limited reward is buyer’s remorse (in a video game).
I feel like I should be allowed to just continually earn tokens. If it’s 30/20/10, then after 5 week (30/20) I should just be allowed to get 1 token per week.
Then I always feel like I can earn something I want.
Remembers I have a weapon in both hands
Nvm .
Sounds very nice and exciting!
Can’t wait to get Jailer weapon along with Old Warrior’s Soul and Sigil if they won’t drop. xD
Your inverse boss killing numbers, going from 30 to 10 kills for a token is good.
30 kills for starters allows us to get some kills in before we rush and buy an item… because maybe we get lucky and get it in that time!
Good lord, just make it like it used to be with valor/justice points spendable at a vendor for pieces. How hard is that? Leave it to Blizz to complicate even the simplest things!
I am looking forward to this. I am disappointed that there will be a limit to how many items can be gotten from the vendor but it is certainly a start.
I will once again point out that EverQuest has had raid vendors in place since 2011. Once you beat a boss, you get currency and can eventually purchase everything on its loot table. Also, their last bosses do not drop higher ilvl loot but, but rather “chase items” which are items that people universally desire. Think of them as trinkets or weapons with cool effects. Compare this with last bosses like G’huun and Zovaal which are generally one and done because their time / reward factor is terrible.
Overall, I love the idea of this however I have two main issues.
Firstly, While enabling this for the shorter season makes sense, the post also mentions that we already see these issues in the longest tiers where you ARE killing a boss every single week.(My personal experience of 3+months of KTZ and Sylv and only seeing the Mythic Bow on the very last week of the patch and never seeing ktz bracers or belt). These same issues will occur in the current season. If you have a system that you think helps alleviate the excessive RNG bad luck most painful points, not having it for season 3 feels like artificially holding back and causing needless frustration.
Secondly, The limit of 3 per season as a hard maximum. This essentially translates into: Do not use any of them until you are only missing your last 3 items for BiS. Because using 1 of your VERY limited 3, and then inevitably getting that same item the next week feels OMEGA bad.I also think, if i can experience missing 3 items in a tier that lasted exceptionally long already, there is a very high likelihood that in a shorter timeframe, the number of items you are missing is greater than 3. The limit of 3 also is not evenly valuable on a per-spec basis.Specs which dual wield, and want 2 trinkets, and a special item from raid (Anduin dk ring) for example have 5 chase items already. In addition to the higher ilvl regular gear pieces.
It seems likely you will have gathered all 3 tokens well before you reach the point where spending them makes economically sound sense. Having all 3 sitting in your bags and your character “feeling” weaker than they COULD be, also seems like an issue. Similar to if you had 3 great vault rewards banked that you COULD open for the dopamine happy brain chemicals, but that long term, was a wrong decision to open them.
My suggestion would be some other way to generate more tokens (Killing higher ilvl dropping bosses? Trading in duplicate items? Especially necks/rings which every raid seems to get massive redundant amounts of due to personal loot universal availability)
The shards to upgrade a heroic item to mythic is almsot a way to address this problem. But it essentially means running the content on all difficulties each week until you have acquired ALL the base items you want to upgrade.
That’s a LOT of raiding on trivial difficulties.
This seems like it’s going to make farming easier difficulties even more important now since the drops can be upgraded.
Make the raids shorter, they take too dang long. No one wanna spend 4 hours misery grinding raid trash and walking 900 units back after wipes.
Rae’shalare is not currently available from the vendors on the PTR. Meanwhile, rogues are going to enjoy a third tier of OP daggers.
So you come up with an okay-ish idea, devs, and then you go and time gate and limit the hell out of it. Yeah, that sounds about right. lol
How about account bound and more than 3. Let us go wild. What about off specs? No flexibility there. I like the idea, but not the restrictions. Using one and getting the same item the next week is going to feel bad. Expand upon this wonderful idea though. Also bring something to mythic plus similar to this. The dungeon loot pool is probably larger than the raid lot pool.
True… since the raids rotate once per week, it doesn’t make sense to spend 2-3 hours out of 6-9 hours raid time per week clearing trash. So that would be 25% of the time on useless trash.
Just get rid of all of the trash and let us attempt the bosses, Blizzard!
The hard limit on 3 coins sounds like dangerous thing here. Any nerf to anything will be a death sentence to who already spent their coins. Also some classes need more than 2 trinkets for different fights/contents. So they would have to give up on buying a weapon and feel left behind for it. Having the limit already on what u can buy, i see no reason to not have coins dropping as a challenge reward. Like as a drop from the last boss each raid.
I love this, just worry about that.
Also, don’t forget about the Quiver and Bow from Sylvannas :3
same pain, i gave up on getting it this expansion.
Will we be able to use this system to buy Sylvanas’s bow and quiver? I ran that fight every week for months on end and I never saw either of these items.
On one hand this is a good idea, to allow determinism.
On the other hand: This is like the 4th system you’ve put in to NOT give up badges, which simply solves all the problems of Vault, Valor, lack of Bad Luck Protection, and this system while being a simple system accessible by players at all levels of play that both isn’t overcomplicated or redundant.
You’ll figure it out eventually I’m sure. Maybe another 4 or so systems and currencies, and vault upgrades down the road.
So… why not just give us badges and badge gear?