Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

Can we just bring back the Honour vendor? I really miss the fact that if I had terrible luck in week in LFR I could still at least buy that one piece I was after

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I’m confused by this part, all trinkets will be max 262 when S4 is live?
Other than this, I like the conduit change - sucked having this on one toon but not on others. The relic change is also great, they should have increased the ilvl of open world content though.

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Thanks for the breakdown!

The only comment I have is that it would be nice if the Legendaries could get an item level buff (like in Legion) so folks don’t feel like they need to recraft them into other slots.

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legendaries will now be lower ilvl than the gear? WTH, for some classes, they may play for single legendary since their second legendary is so useless.


While I agree with the intent of this (which seems to be, avoid a new gold sink) please consider a mechanism to upgrade 291 to 304, or 311, or whatever, using cosmic flux - without a new base item.

It feels terrible that legendaries will go from the highest item level that some folks crafted in head and chest slots specifically for their stat budget, to some of our lowest.

This is pushing some to consider re-crafting, which is a new gold sink that it seems you wanted to avoid.


Recrafting legendaries is going to feel bad. Thanks I guess.

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I don’t play mythic dungeons. I don’t raid. I don’t PvP. I enjoy playing open world content and alts. Is there anything in the new season for a player like me?


They actually went out of their way to hose a class. Incredible.


Is there any new content? Or are we just running in a hamster wheel of well used content?

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Any updates on what happens to our valor that was gained in S3?

The legendary ilvl cap seems weird, but I 100% am on board with not needing to pay some greedy af crafter more of my gold they don’t deserve in the first place just to be marginally stronger. Legendaries should have been a 1 time crafted thing you get at rank X but ALWAYS with an upgrade function using the respective patch currencies and stuff that drops from your respective content pillar to upgrade.

Pretty nifty giving hunters the middle finger on their bow. I was planning to alt one up long enough to buy it just for the potential mog look…guess I won’t need to bother now.

Would be nice to clarify how the CC is going to work with respective to unlocking the full class mog looks. Currently, you can use clever valor upgrades with mythic+ drops to unlock multiple tier looks. In fact, a current 262 drop converted at the CC gives the normal and with 1 valor upgrade to 265, gives the heroic look with there being no way, currently to get the mythic look outside of the GV piece itself. With S4, will a then 278+ drop converted at the CC give the mythic look or will that all change to whatever the new ilvl values are?

My only real plan is “maybe” to try the raids out (since I never did Nathria or SoD fully when relevant), get my S4 mythic+ mount, and then maybe finish grinding ZM mounts/pets so I never have to touch the zone again…was considering playing my army of alts to make the tier sets on various levels if it was feasible to do so, but pushing enough rating on all 12 + farming the pieces + valor farming is already way too big an ask.

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I am skeptical as hell, but they said they are still on track for a Dec 2022 release for DF. We will just have to see.

They’ve been pretty transparent from the inception of s4 that it’s going to be an experimental patch without brand new SL content…

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Since most Shadowlands dungeons won’t be in the M+ rotation in season 4, they are preventing people from getting say a 278 ilvl IQD in next week’s vault when the max ilvl you can attain it in s4 will be 262.

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new instances of the non-Tazavesh dungeon trinkets will only be obtainable at 262. Your existing trinkets should stay the same ilvl.

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Huh? That says the complete opposite of what you’re assuming. It says right there, unique boss kills are unique no matter the difficulty. If you can clear normal you get the same progress as someone clearing normal, heroic, and mythic week 1, and the items off the vendor are normal mode ilvl and must be upgraded through the other currency.

If the concern is recrafting again with excessive costs I feel you should just add an upgrade to the creation catalyst that bumps the ilvl to new max +(arbitrary amount) with an increased cost of flux, or use the current upgrade vendors.


Since when did DUELIST give max level conduits?

Nobody cares about the PVP system in S@#lands do they?

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This 1000%, Its simple but it works. I’d go as far as to say go back to the old badge system of JP / VP for PvE and Honor / Conquest for PvP. keep it simple and spend less time worrying and trying to control how we gear and just focus on making content.


It was Elite, but I think the wrong word was included in the post.