Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

Is not what you say it is, and should never be.

On a side note… all kind of… “endevours” (lets call it) would be nice to have some progression.
On games like these, gear is the progression so, lets say… someone like to grind reps and quests, why they need to be stuck at a useless ilvl forever?
But I guess thats a conversarion and concept that no matter how much I try you will “not understand”.


I’m sure it’s been mentioned before but as nice as these upgrades are it isn’t going to change much for heroic and normal raiders, M+ is still going to grant easier better ilvl gear due to the vault system.

At best it is going to benefit mythic raiders who get key items from lower difficulties but still progress mythic in general and get the currency by default.

Either way it just increases the work raiders have to do, either trying to farm a couple of bosses on a higher difficulty to get enough shards for an upgrade after 7+ weeks, or encouraging them the refarm lower difficulty content in the hope a key item drops that they can upgrade to their current difficulty.

None of this addresses the fact an untimed +15 will still give better gear than 75% of the raid difficulties.

Not to mention on top of that, statistics for this raid are going not going to be a good demonstration of either deterministic gear, or the upgrade system. There is less reason to do Heroic raiding than ever due to the lack of AotC for fated raids, and since the gear rewards still aren’t there, and the raids have already been completed in the past ~12 months those who would usually do the heroic raid have very little interest in doing so again.

Personally for the two AotC guilds I’m in contact with neither of them currently are planning to do heroic, this patch will be a “do normal for the mount and then stop raiding” patch, and I would assume that we are not the only ones who feel this way.

The positive is that you acknowledge there is a problem, unfortunately I do not believe this is the solution, and I also do not believe this patch will give good or even valuable statistics on the trial of these new systems.
There are too many variables in this patch to give proper feedback, and as such I hope the team takes the information with a grain of salt and not as objective evidence from the trial.

time to reroll DK then baybee

Isn’t all this just reinventing the wheel since we already have had systems in the game like Badges of Justice, Justice Points, Valor Points, etc which have all been at different times used to purchase upgrades or upgrade already purchased gear?


Oh I’m sorry, is this babies first time hearing what MMO stands for? See I can treat you the same way you’ve been treating me without warrant. Get off your high horse and maybe we can have a real conversation.

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I must do my part to reiterate.

Removing AoTC/CE on Aug 2. is a massive mistake.

Please do not follow through with that.

Good luck progressing AotC whilst raids are on a three weekly rotation though.

I don’t see why they couldn’t allow it, but on the otherhand I wouldn’t want to be the people put in that situation either.

So wait is it only one raid active per week? I thought they were all open and available all the time?

-3 base raids
-1 fated raid (CN->SoD-SotFO rotation)

4 raids per week, been that way since the first talks of fated/s4

First, if I gave the impression that I was somehow being jocular or disrespectful, I apologize as that was never the intention.
Games as massive as this one with so many options of what to do and how to do it shouldn’t, in my opinion, try to reinvent the wheel expansion after expansion.
There are systems and more systems always on the same topic… how to allow the acquisition of equipment for those who raid. I’m not belittling raid or M+, if people like these activities they are worthy regardless of my opinion. What bothers me is that a large portion of people who play this game for so long tend to become casual, and no system was ever thought of for this type of player.
Its not my job to figure out how to implement a gear progression system for casual players that would not hurt anyone, a gear progression without it being something “outrageous” to those who think that this game should continue to be forcefully summarized in raids and M+.
Just once I would like to see some efforts into this particular direction.

what about sylv bow on vendor?

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Vendor Sylv bow people: I don’t understand why you think they would put something that iconic on a vendor. They don’t want just everyone walking around with a prestige item like that. Check the BMAH in DF.

What is happening with gear rewards for open world content in Season 4? Are casual players going to be hardcapped at item level 252 Zereth Mortis gear as if the new season doesn’t apply to them?


It appears they are unconcerned about how changes they make will affect anyone but top players.

We have heard nothing, so I assume “nothing” is the answer.


Have you ever thought about s***posting just to see what Wowhead would post in response?

Something like if you post:

And then wowhead would be like:
“Blizzard employee has a seizure while reading stupid comments made on forum”

Can we have one screenshot of in game Dragonflight footage, I’ll give you fifty bucks.

Will there be an item to upgrade legendaries? Will we have to recraft them again? Please elaborate

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I think the only major thing that has no answer at all currently is legendaries going into Season 4, at this point I assume it means we’re sticking with 291 legos but it hasn’t been confirmed since heroic drops will now beat out legendary ilvls.

I still think having 3 mega dungeons in the pool severely diminishes it.

it doesn’t feel like 8 dungeons it feels like 5 and that gets boring more quickly. especially since one of those mega dungeons we already had in season 3. When you consider that it’s even more of a downer.

You let players vote on the 2 you didn’t decide for us, but ultimately you should have let us vote on all of them, i can promise the votes for those mega dungeons would have been pretty low.


With no valor cap at launch there is basically no reason to raid unless you’re raiding mythic.

Heroic and under is dead when you can get unlimited end heroic boss level gear day 1 from mythic+.

But it’s an experimental season so I guess it’s whatever.