Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

Complete lie.

Heroic sylvy daggers on sub rogues are way better than any mythic ilvl daggers from any dungeons.

Same with old warrior’s soul for many strength users. Same with Cabalist hymnal.
Many such examples

To a certain extent this invalidates any data you get since I suspect a lot of issues people have is the cadence in long tiers, not where things come from.

No matter what you do it’s going to feel much worse and less rewarding if you try and stretch the typical acquisition period to 6 or more months.

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Few questions.

  1. It was stated that this was to solve issues behind certain drops being scarce for M+ players, so why is there no indication about M+ players being able to earn the coins and upgrades?

  2. If this is the intended course of action, then why are M+ players being punished in such a way? For example: There’s three 2-hand Strength Weapons, two are Crit/Vers and one is Crit/Haste. Also Several Trinkets that just aren’t good and weren’t good when they were current trinkets(such as Bloodstained Handkerchief, Toe Knee’s Promise, or Mrrgria’s Favor).

  3. What’s happening to Legendary Item Levels, how will we upgrade them, will there be new crafted ranks, how will you obtain said crafted ranks?

Yay, so after heroic farming the raid for a month (assuming you clear it every week) you get 1 great item for your spec.

Then you look at the 15 other slots that have been end heroic raid level from mythic+ since week 1 since it’s unlimited.

They just need to tune every dungeon from Warlords onward into the game as regular M+ content. The lack of variety is awful. Something for the new 100 devs from Proletariat on team 2 and have them do that for DF for the 10.1 patch before the tides leave.

  • Heroic still drops loot, don’t forget.
  • By the end of the first month, even if you only raid heroic you’ll be able to upgrade 2 items to heroic ilvl, assuming you’re not really bad at the game or something (AOTC is ez clap).
  • You’ll have received 1 Dinar.
  • LFR and Normal mode items can be upgraded to heroic ilvl, so if either Gavel or OWS drop you can upgrade either of them. You’ve got 3 chances a week for either of those items for 2 of the first 4 weeks (presuming the first month is CN → SoD → SFO → CN). If we extend to the first 6 weeks you’ll have 4/6 weeks to have 3 shots at those items.

I’m not seeing how its worthless. I don’t think you actually know how strong deterministic Gavel, deterministic OWS, deterministic Jaithys actually are. Even if you don’t raid Mythic, you WILL use those weapons and trinkets.

Folks who are pushing M+ will be using weapons and trinkets from the raid. And weapons and trinkets are the slot that matters. You and Brewa keep bringing up number of slots but that’s not how WoW works. Important player power is concentrated in specific pieces of gear, most notably weapons and trinkets, and lo and behold those both come from the raid.

Stop malding. There’s a synergistic quality that those who raid want loot from M+, those who M+ want loot from raid, and the players with the best gear are those who do both.

It’s a step in the right direction but if you guys remember Blizzard’s greatest strength was taking the greatest thing from their competitors. FFXIV allows you to play very old content for relevant rewards without doing “Timewalking”, which is sloppily tuned faff. They should steal the Roulette system and make it better.

Blizzard commits so much time, effort blood sweat and tears on these gigantic PVE experiences that a tiny percentage of the WoW population sees.


First thanks for the update we appreciate the communication. I wanted to bring up a few concerns for systems like this going forward. I’m super excited for the upgrade system, because this really enables more power growth and while it takes a lot of bosses it seems like a good way to improve player power while farming content, but that’s my key concern. As a 2 day guild once we have to extend raid one order to go for CE we will stop progressing. This is true for all guilds at some point but this upgrade system punishes guilds for trying to prog, and it’s hard enough today to keep a roster of active and engaged players adding a “from today kiss the items you want goodbye” to it is sure to hurt the number of active raiders.

A few ideas on how to improve it:

  • Make mythic lockouts work like heroic, so people can put first 3 of mythic on off nights for upgrades
  • Reward players for prog gong, give 1 item every 30-50 pulls over 2m or something like that so guilds aren’t losing upgrades for progressing
  • Award upgrade items based on great vault with a weekly cap, so m+ or pvp would be alternate routes for raiders to keep up with guilds able to reclear every week

Can we uncap Honor? 15k is not enough and the cap doesn’t serve a purpose other than to be annoying.


From my recollection, Blizzard said they were going to curate the loot tables for Iron Docks and Grimrail.

I don’t know if we’ve actually seen them do that yet, and we’re less than a month away from the new event so that’s a bit sketchy, but I guess time will tell.

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full agree on this one boss.

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Is there any intention to make changes to the loot tables of the two WoD Dungeons, their current loot tables are somewhat dated compared to the design of the modern game.


They did say this, they haven’t done it, which is why I brought it up. I would like answers to see if I want to continue my sub during this horrible content drought.

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Will there be a weekly rotation of maps combined with shadowlands? I think that way we might have a chance to get a little more score, considering that 2 of 8 are from shadowlands.

Ironically, those top players are so addicted to WoW’s PvE content niche that they never left the game to begin with or are the easiest type of player to reel back in with new raids or dungeons.

The millions of casual, solo, and open world players who have already left the game over the years and could potentially return, or who could easily sit out Season 4 without missing out on anything, should be the bigger concern.

The experiment of Season 4 shouldn’t answer the question “How much can we stop the hemorrhage of select hardcore players between expansions by rehashing old content?”, but “How much can we recover and even grow back our lost playerbase during a lull by rehashing content and rewards for a wide variety of players?”

An answer would be nice, nonetheless, especially since Shadowlands developers have been known to mention nothing about open world rewards, then quietly put systems or updates on PTR days before a patch goes live as if it is a shameful thing for WoW to offer anything outside of hardcore dungeons and raids.

I am not going to buy Dragonflight or farm up gold for Season 4 sub time until there is some indication that there is actually going to be any accessible content.

Niche concern but what (if anything) happens to Attendant’s Token of Merit with the season change over? Do they get removed? Should we spend them before the season ends? Do we keep them and can spend them on stuff next season?

Is the great vault in S4 still going to have currency like the tokens as an alternative if you don’t like any of the available choices?

If you look at the historical graph of player subscriptions prior to discontinuing the release of that information in wod, you can see that after its peak in wrath, it went through a series of mishaps - from cata changes including hard dungeons intended to force casuals to git gud, to removal of flight in wod - that permanently reset the player population at a lower level.

Even though they pulled out all the stops in Legion and made it an expansion full of content that players found engaging, the playerbase was nowhere near the 10 million that started wod.

I talked to a great many players while playing classic, as well as a lot of returnees who were wod refugees coming back late in Legion and leaving again. I always asked them why they left retail, and they were happy to explain. I am convinced that once a player leaves because of changes to the game they hate, they will never be regular subscribers again. They will never look at the game the way they did when they were addicted and/or couldn’t wait to log in every day and get stuff done.

I think they need to stop experimenting on ways to incentivize a tiny percentage of players and design the game for the playerbase they have. There is no trickle down effect to benefits that go exclusively to top players, especially when these are accompanied by a dramatic lack of anything to do for most players. Which is the point we are at now.

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So when we’re clearing heroic and mythic difficulty of these Fated raids we’re going to be getting heroic and mythic level gear drops as well as the shards to upgrade pieces yes? I don’t mind the 3 tokens (should be 6 and make 2h weapons/trinkets cost 2 tokens and 1h weapons cost 1 but ay, I’m just a DH player what do I know), and I don’t mind the purchaseable gear being only available at normal tier. But if we’re talkin about the ONLY way we can get heroic and mythic gear is via upgrading normal gear with these shards? Idk man… better be a lot of shards or it’s gonna be a very unsatisfying raiding experience.

I like the idea, but some clarification on the question would make me either more hopeful or more worried about it’s implementation.

I think it’s even worse than that.

Unless I’m reading it wrong the upgrade tokens upgrade up to the difficulty they dropped from originally. So to upgrade a Normal drop to Heroic you’d need the tokens from Heroic Bosses and to upgrade to Mythic requires Tokens from Mythic Bosses.

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But you can skip over upgrading through Heroic and go straight to Mythic. If you clear Heroic and you clear Mythic, you can upgrade an LFR or Normal item to Heroic ilvl upgrade every 2 weeks and you can upgrade an LFR or Normal item to a Mythic ilvl upgrade every 2 weeks.

And as much as people might suggest otherwise, a Heroic ilvl trinket from the raid is still very potent. Especially if Blizzard doesn’t do anything about the itemization of Iron Docks and Grimrail Depot.